Pg. 2

In this topic, we continue our discussion of the creating a New Insured when processing a New Submission.

On the Named Insured Pg. 2 tab, you provide additional contact and business information about the insured where applicable.

  1. In the Insured Information pane, provide the following information in the boxes provided.
    1. Primary Contact – name of the primary contact
    2. Web Site – address (URL) of the insured's Web page
    3. Phone – telephone number of the primary contact
    4. Fax – fax number of the primary contact
    5. E-Mail – e-mail address of the primary contact
    6. Assigned ID – insured's assigned Surplus Lines Association (SLA) tax number
    7. Exempt – tax exempt status (Select if the insured is tax exempt.)
    8. License – driver's license number of the primary contact (This information may be masked after entry depending on the security settings for personally identifiable information.)
    9. Date of Birth – date of birth of the primary contact

  1. In the Business Information pane located on the Detail tab, provide the following information in the boxes provided.
    1. Structure – type of business structure
    2. Corporation
    3. Limited Liability Corporation
    4. Limited Liability Partnership
    5. Partnership
    6. Sole Proprietorship
    7. Industry Code – Standard Industry Code (SIC) (Click to perform an industry code search.)
    8. FEIN/SSN – insured’s  Federal Identification Number (FEIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) (This information may be masked after entry depending on the security settings for personally identifiable information.)
    9. NCCI – National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) number
    10. Employees – number of employees
  2. In the Export Name/Address To FormMaker As pane, you can use the text box provided to enter the insured name and address in a manner formatted for export to Docucorp's FormMaker application.
  3. In the Lines box, specify the total number of lines to be used for the insured's name and address.
  4. In the Characters Per Line box, you can limit the number of characters that appear on each line.
  5. Click Refresh to view your changes in the text box.

  1. On the Additional Detail tab, click to search for a parent insured, if applicable.
    The Parent Insured text box, and the unlabeled text box will be populated automatically with the name and ID code of the parent insured.
  2. In the large, unlabeled text box, you can type additional notes regarding the insured and the parent insured, if applicable.

  1. On the Pg. 2 tab, you can enter user defined data, as needed.

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