Workflow: Replacing Personnel on a Policy
When a policy is created, the personnel entered in customer setup are automatically assigned to the policy. These personnel can be replaced. In addition, personnel can be replaced on a policy mid-term after billings have occurred.

- Open the Customer and Policy requiring the replacement.
- Expand the Basic Policy Information > Personnel section of the policy form.
- From the Personnel grid click the Replace link for the person you are replacing. The Replace Personnel form appears.
- The Type populates with the same type as the person you are replacing and cannot be changed.
- Personnel replaced when no billings exist are effective for an entire policy term. The Effective As Of field defaults to the policy effective date and cannot be changed.
- Select a Name from the list. The names available in the list depend on the Type of the personnel being replaced.
- Primary Service Team
- If the employee or broker you are replacing is the primary Exec, Rep, or Broker, then Primary Service Team is automatically selected and cannot be changed.
- If the employee or broker you are replacing is not part of the Primary Service Team and you want the new person to be part of the team, mark the box. This will remove the primary service team status from the member with the same Type.
If the commissions you are entering on this form are to override the defaults from Employee or Broker Commission Setup for this policy only, select a Negotiated Commissions option.
Click OK. You return to the Policy form. To permanently record the replacement, click Save or Save & Close.

Commissions for replaced persons are changed to zero on all invoices with invoice effective dates that fall on or after the employee's inactive date (effective date of replacement).
- Open the Customer and Policy requiring the replacement.
- Expand the Basic Policy Information > Personnel section of the policy form.
- From the Personnel grid click the Replace link for the person you are replacing. The Replace Personnel on Billed Policy form appears.
- The Type populates with the same type as the person you are replacing and cannot be changed.
- Typically an employee or broker added to the policy mid-term only receives commissions on billings from the date they are added to the end of the term. Therefore, the Effective as of date defaults to the system date, but can be changed.
- Select a Name from the list. The names available in the list depend on the Type of the personnel being replaced.
- Primary Service Team
- If the employee or broker you are replacing is the primary Exec, Rep, or Broker, then Primary Service Team is automatically selected and cannot be changed.
- If the employee or broker you are replacing is not part of the Primary Service Team but you want the new person to be part of the team, check the box. This will remove the primary service team status from the member with the same Type.
- If the commissions you are entering on this form are to override the defaults from Employee or Broker commission setup for this policy only, select a Negotiated Commissions option.
- Billed Commission Option:
Billed Commission Options | What is this? | ||||||||
Build New Personnel Commission |
- Click OK. A message appears indicating that a Change Personnel Commissions form will load to allow you to review or edit commissions for previously billed invoices. See Correcting Invoices for help using this form.
- You are returned to the policy. To permanently record the replacement, click Save or Save & Close.
What's Next?
For additional information on replacing personnel on a Policy, consult the topic, Working with Policy Personnel.