Motorcycle Rater Driver View

This is the Auto Rater Driver View. Click the icon on the tool bar to access this view.

Information/processes available from this view are as follows:

General Tab

Accidents/Violations Tab

Driver Underwriting Tab

Order MVRs

Vehicle/Driver Assignment

Excluded Drivers

field description
Highlighted Row The information in this area is determined from the information you entered on the Client View and from the default fields (Sex and Marital/Partner Status) on this view. It changes as you proceed through the quote process.
Delete Button Click to delete the highlighted driver.
Add Button Click to add a driver.
Ignore for Rating Box

Click to disregard the driver for rating.

Note: There must be more than one driver.

Column # The driver number.
Column Name The name of the driver.
Column Age The age of the driver.
Column Ignore This column has an X when the Ignore for rating box is checked.
Column Sex The gender of the driver.
Column Mar The martial status of the driver.
Column Veh The number of the vehicle the driver drives.
Column #Acc The number of accidents the driver has had.
Column #Vio The number of violations the driver has had.
Column MVR

Y = yes, a motor vehicle record was ordered

N = no, a motor vehicle record was not ordered

Continue to the motorcycle General tab.