Edit or Add to the Existing Form Set

Use the following procedure to open the previously created set of forms without updating it with current quote information.

  1. Click the icon.

The FSC Forms window appears. (The Edit or Add to the Existing Form Set is the default.)

  1. Click OK.

A saved form on your list appears with the JavaScript Window box at the top left side of the screen.

  1. Click FSC Forms.

Another JavaScript Window appears.

  1. Select the form you want to edit.
  2. Click the Edit button.

The requested form appears with today's date.

  1. Make your edits to the form.
  2. Click Save on the JavaScript box.

  1. Click the icon on the title bar after you have finished your edits.

Continue to Create a New Form Set and Delete Existing Form Set.

Return to the Quote View.

Return to Quote Management Facility.