InsurLink - Frequently Asked Questions
InsurLink provides your customers access to their insurance information anytime via the web. InsurLink is an add-on product for AMS360 online agencies. For more information or to purchase InsurLink contact your Vertafore Account Manager or call Sales at 1.800.444.4813.
Where do I set up my staff to use InsurLink? |
We will provision your agency for InsurLink in Vertafore Single Sign-On (VSSO). After that your VSSO Administrator will need to log into VSSO and give each user access. See Workflow: InsurLink Setup Step-by-Step for more information. |
How do my customers access InsurLink? |
In the Agency setup process you are provided a url to add to your agency's website that links to your InsurLink login screen. | ||
Can I control what my customers see and what they can do in InsurLink? |
Yes, during InsurLink Customer setup you'll mark views and activities available to the customer when they log into InsurLink. | ||
Can I add confidential documents so only specific customer and agency users can see and open the document? |
Yes, you can create folders and change folder permissions to restrict access to only those who need it. Then add the confidential documents to the secured folder. To set up secured folders see How to set folder permissions in the InsurLink Setup topic. | ||
Do I have to enter and invite every customer user in InsurLink |
You must enter the name and email address for each user your client wants to have access their account in InsurLink. You can add a user and email in the following ways:
After adding the user and email address you can send the user an invitation or you can give a client user authority to add users. To do this give the user Manage Users permission on the InsurLink > Client Users tab:
When creating custom tabs in InsurLink Management do I use http or https? |
Using HTML in a custom tab to embed another web page, leveraging Iframe, you are required to provide a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) link to that page. InsurLink protects client data by using HTTPS on all pages of the website. Current browsers block references to an HTTP page in Iframe on an HTTPS protected website.
Can I customize the look and wording of the messages? |
Yes, in InsurLink Management you'll see a tab at the top of the page labeled "Customize Messaging." You can change the look and wording of each type of message:
*The invitation you are creating here is what will be sent to the insured when you select Send Invitation via the Client Users tab. If there is an instance where you want to tailor the invitation's content, select Send Custom Invitation. This option will allow you to make changes to the email prior to sending the invitation. You'll also need to choose a "Reply To" email address. Choose from the list. The list includes all employees set up in the Employee Center with an email address. You can choose only one address so it should be someone designated to monitor any replies received from the insured. OR You can choose a role that allows for the email to be sent from a person associated with the customer account. The available roles are:
Can I control when InsurLink sends a Suspense or email about an action done in InsurLink? |
Yes, Notification Setup in InsurLink Management in the Administration Center is where you can customize the Suspense items and email messages generated by InsurLink. The following are the events for which you can set up a notification:
*A notification is required for these actions. For more information on Notification Setup see the InsurLink Management topic. |
What policies show in InsurLink? |
You can configure which lines of business you want to display on InsurLink in InsurLink Management on the Settings tab. All current and future policies appear in InsurLink for the configured lines of business. |
How can I make the company's logo appear in InsurLink? |
If you have added a logo for the company, then it will appear for the policy in InsurLink. For more information see Define an image to display in the Company Center in the Name section of Company Setup. | ||
What if a Summary View isn't available for a line of business on the policy? Can I add one? |
Yes, you can attach a document (pdf format only) to a policy in InsurLink so your insured can see detail for that policy. Only one document can be attached to a policy at a time. You may want to create a pdf copy of the Dec page or print a Schedule in pdf format and attach it. To attach a pdf summary of DEC to a policy use the Document Management tab in InsurLink Customer Setup. See the How to Link a policy DEC to a policy in InsurLink in that topic. |
Which Auto ID Cards can the insured print in InsurLink? |
Currently single Auto ID cards can be printed for vehicles on Private Passenger Auto, Business Auto, and Truckers policies. Liability coverage must exists for the vehicle, if not, the insured won't be able to print an ID card. |
How do I make Certificate and Evidence of Property (EPI) forms appear on the Certificate tab in InsurLink? |
For each master certificate and EPI you want to appear in InsurLink you must open the form in eForms Manager and select Show to Insured. All holders associated with the master certificate will appear in the InsurLink for that client. |
What Certificate and Evidence of Insurance forms appear in InsurLink? |
Current versions of the following ACORD forms are available:
The forms shown in InsurLink are current and up to two years old. |
Certificate Attachments |
When a customer prints a certificate that has attachments they will receive one PDF file that contains both the certificate and any attachments.
Criteria used to determine status for Certificates and EPIs |
Certificates and EPIs are marked as Active when all policies represented by the certificate or EPI have an Active status and are in-force (not expired). Certificates and EPIs not meeting the criteria will be shown as Inactive. |
When a customer performs a task in InsurLink what does the Activity that is created look like? | The following example is for a policy change requested by the customer: The name of the insured whose action generated this Activity, appears in the Description area of the Activity. |
What does the Suspense created in InsurLink look like? (Client action of request that requires further attention by agency personnel.) | The following example is for a policy change requested by the customer: |
If the primary representative is out of the office, how do I forward Suspense items created by InsurLink? | When a Suspense item is created by an action your insured took in InsurLink, that Suspense is assigned to the Account Representative on the Customer Setup screen. If that person goes out of the office for any length of time, he/she should use the Out-of-Office Assistant to reassign the Suspense items so any coming from InsurLink can be addressed in a timely manner. For information see the Out-of-Office Assistant Help topic. |
How do I see what a customer has been doing in the InsurLink? | The History tab in the InsurLink view in the Customer Center shows the activity for the client in InsurLink. |
What emails do insureds receive when performing actions inInsurLink? |
The insured receives the following email messages from InsurLink:
Can an insured opt out of InsurLink email messages? |
Yes, the insured can opt out of receiving the following emails:
They can do this by clicking the "Hi XXXX" menu in InsurLink and choosing Email Settings and select No to the question of receiving email messages. Alternately, they can choose Unsubscribe and the bottom of any confirmation email they receive. |
How can I see information about all the clients who have used InsurLink? |
In the Administration Center > Utilities > InsurLink Management > Reporting you can see real-time numbers for Active Users, Invited Users, and Logins Over Past 30 Days. You can also download a report that opens in Excel and shows which customers have received an invitation, who has activated their account, the number of times the user has logged in and when was their last log in, along with other data. Click the Download Current Users Report link for the csv file. For more information see Reporting in the InsurLink Management topic. |
Where can I find more information about InsurLink? |
The following Help topics are available:
Is there a document I can give my insured that has more information about InsurLink? |
Yes, the documents below describe the tabs and activities contained in the InsurLink. You can save the Word document and customize it to your needs. Or you can send the PDF without changes. Word document: Using InsurLink.docx PDF Document: Using InsurLink.pdf |
My insured user forgot their password, how do they request a new one? |
If your InsurLink user forgets their password, they can navigate to the login page ( or the branded login page and select the Forgot Password link.
Does the insured have a limited number of login attempts before being locked out of InsurLink? | Yes, the insured can attempt to log in to InsurLink five times before a 10 minute lockout occurs. The client must wait the 10 minutes for the lock to clear. The lock can't be cleared by your agency or Vertafore Support. |