Addl Comm Paymts

In this topic, we continue our discussion of the Invoice Screen, which is encountered when processing an Invoice.

The Addl Comm Paymts tab is used in situations where additional commission payments must be made to a third-party on the invoice. Commission payments are made at the expense of your agency and not the agent, that is, your agency's gross commission is reduced, not the agent's. In order to make additional commission payments to a third-party, you must override the default commission schedule.

  1. Click Override to override the default commission schedule using the same process that we describe in Commission Override/Split.
    The note that appears below the Override button indicates that the invoice is currently using the default commission schedule.

  1. Once the commission schedule has been altered, the note is changed to indicate that the commission override is in effect for this invoice. Click Edit to change the selected commission schedule using Commission Override/Split.

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