Submit to Mkts

Using the Submit to Mkts command on the Brokerage Menu, you can easily submit a risk to the marketplace for quoting.

  1. On the Main tab, select a submission record to submit to other markets.
  2. On the Brokerage menu, click Submit To Mkts.
    As an alternative, you can right-click in the grid and select Submit To Mkts.

  1. In the Market list, select a market company.
    Alternatively, you can click to use the Market Finder Wizard.
  2. In the Attention box, select a market company contact to whom the submission should be directed.
  3. In the Suspense box, select a Suspense date, that is the date for which a suspense will be created for follow-up.
  4. Click Format as Fax CoverSheet if you would prefer to send the submission as a fax cover sheet rather than the Submit to Markets cover letter.
  5. Click Edit Sub. to edit the submission in Submission Entry (refer to New Submission for more information).
  6. Click Submit to send the submission to the market company using Document Processing.
  7. Repeat this process as needed to submit to additional market companies.

  1. Click the Submitted List tab to view a list of the market companies to which the submission record was sent.

A separate suspense is created for each market company that you submit to.

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