Suspense Listing

The Suspense Listing dialog box contains a listing of those items marked for future action. Issuing a suspense is similar to writing a note on a file to remind you of a pending action. By using the Suspense Listing module, you can greatly improve the organization of your workflow.

  1. On the Module menu, click Suspense Listing.

Suspenses are displayed in the grid layout. In the following table, we discuss the functions of the buttons displayed in the Suspense Listing dialog box.



Add a new suspense

Extend the selected suspense using the Calendar

Complete the selected suspense and leave the Suspense Listing dialog box open. To select multiple records for completion, press and hold Ctrl and click each record. To select a block of records, select the first record, press and hold Shift, and then single-click the last record in the group.

Edit the selected expense

View a printable list of the displayed suspenses

View the selected suspense entry

Search for suspenses using the search method explained in Understanding Searches in AIM

Complete the selected suspense and close the Suspense Listing dialog box

Close the Suspense Listing dialog box

  1. In the Show For pane located in the Suspense Listing dialog box, select the appropriate filter to control the information displayed. The filter is used to display suspenses based on the required date of the suspense.
    1. Day – required date is today's date
    2. Week – required date falls within this week
    3. Month – required date falls within this month
    4. To Date – required date has already passed

Suspenses shown in red text are overdue, that is, the required date of the suspense is in the past. All current suspenses are shown in black text.

  1. In the Show By pane, select the appropriate option to display the corresponding suspenses.
    1. User – user currently logged on to AIM
    2. Team – team associated with the user logged on to AIM
    3. Division – division associated with the user logged on to AIM
    4. All – all suspenses within your agency
    5. Select User – select the user from the User list in the Select User dialog box.

Some options may not be available depending on the security level of the person logged on to AIM. Refer to the Data Maintenance Utility help file for additional information about user security levels.

  1. The listing of suspenses can be further filtered by choosing from the following options:
    1. The Filter By Priority pane is used to filter suspenses based on priority. Select the appropriate option to display the suspenses based on the following descriptions:
      1. All – all priorities
      2. Low – marked as low priority
      3. Normal – marked as normal priority
      4. Urgent – marked as urgent
    2. The Filter By Type pane is used to filter suspenses based on the means of contact. Select the appropriate option to display the suspenses based on the following descriptions:
      1. All – all contact methods
      2. Fax – follow up by fax
      3. Follow Up – marked as Follow Up
      4. Meeting – follow up with a meeting
      5. Memo – follow up with a memo
      6. Phone – contact by telephone
      7. Visit – follow up with a visit
  2. You can use the Calendar located in the bottom left corner of the dialog box to filter the list of suspenses by date.
  3. In the Suspense Note for Item # box, you can view the suspense note for the selected suspense.

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