Underlying Coverage

In this topic, we continue our discussion of the Underlying tab, encountered when creating a New Submission.

If you are creating an umbrella policy, you can use Underlying Coverage, to provide information about underlying coverages on the policies that fall under the umbrella policy.


Fields shown in yellow are required. You must enter values in order to save your changes.

In the following table, we discuss the buttons on the Detail tab. Later, we show you how to add data to Underlying Coverage.



Save your changes and close Underlying Coverages

Save your changes and begin adding a new record

Abandon your changes and close Underlying Coverages

Move to the first record in the list

Move to the previous record in the list

Move to the next record in the list

Move to the last record in the list

Close Underlying Coverages

  • On the Detail tab, enter the following information, if applicable, about the coverage.
    • Carrier – name of carrier (Click to select from a list.)
    • Coverage Expires – date on which the coverage expires (Click to use the Calendar.)
    • Policy – policy number of the underlying coverage
    • Position – lookup code ID for the coding type chosen on the policy (Lookup codes are managed in Data Maintenance Utility.)
    • Limit – monetary limit applied to the underlying coverage
    • Taxed – indicates whether taxes apply
    • Excess of/Part of –  monetary amount for excess of or part of the underlying policy
    • Excess of – indicates whether the amount is excess of
    • Part of – indicates whether the amount is part of
    • Premium – premium amount for the underlying coverage
    • AM Bests Rating – AM Best rating of the carrier
    • SP Rating – Standard and Poor's rating of the carrier

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