User Preferences

The user logged on to AIM can edit the following personal preferences:

  • Start-up appearance and behavior of AIM
  • Default quick search filter setting
  • Phone Book search filter setting
  • Signature
  • User information (name, e-mail address, etc.)
  • Password
  • Printer settings
  • Home directory
  1. On the Edit menu, click User Preferences.

  1. The Defaults tab is selected automatically. In the Start Mode pane, choose from the following options:
    1. Full Screen – full AIM application when AIM starts
    2. Toolbar – AIM toolbar is shown when AIM starts
    3. Show Suspenses on Start-Up – Suspense Listing dialog box is shown when AIM starts
  2. In the Defaults pane, make the appropriate selections.
    1. Search Method – default search method selected in the Quick Search pane on the Maintab.
    2. Phone Book Filter – default search method selected in Category pane of Phone Book.
  3. In the Signature Block text box, type the personal signature for the user.
  4. Click the User Information tab.

  1. In the User Info pane, enter any information that applies to the user.
    1. User Name – name of the person logged on to AIM
    2. Department/Team – department or team to which the person belongs
    3. Change Password – click to change the user's password
    4. Phone – telephone phone number
    5. Ext. – telephone extension
    6. Fax – fax number
    7. Title – job title
    8. E-mail Address – e-mail address
    9. Set Printers – click to configure the fax printer, aim document printer, and ImageRight printer as described in AIM Printer Defaults
    10. User Home Directory – location in which personalized settings are stored for the user

It is important that the user home directory is on a drive or network location to which the user has sufficient rights to read, write, and create. Do not modify a previously established home directory location unless you have consulted with the AIM system administrator.

  1. Click the Defaults button to restore the default settings for the user.
  2. Click OK to save your changes and close the Set User Preferences dialog box.Alternatively, you can click Cancel or Close to abandon your changes and close the dialog box.

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