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Submission Process Overview

This overview includes the Agency submission process, including workflow for creating, distributing, and managing policy submissions for both new business to the agency as well as renewal business.

    ClosedCreating the Submission Group

  1. Open the customer you want to create the submission for.

  2. Select New Submission from the Actions menu. This opens the Submission Group form.

  3. The Submission Group number defaults to the first five letters of the customer's last or firm name plus the current system date (MM/DD/YY). If you have a different method of tracking your submission, you can type in a different number sequence.

  4. Go to the next section, New Submission.

    ClosedNew Submission

  1. In the Submission Groupform, after creating your Submission Group, click New Submission. This opens the Create New Submission form.

  2. Fill in the Submission #, Effective and Expiration Date, Type of Business, verify the Bill Method, and select the Insurance or Brokerage Company you want to send this submission to, and then click OK. This opens the Submission form (like the Policyform).

  3. Fill in the policy and line of business detail. Click the Save & Close button or click Save & Close from the File menu. This returns focus to the Submission Group form where you can add (send to) more companies to your submission/marketing process.

  4. Go to the next section of this topic, Copy Submission, if you need to add more companies to your submission.

    ClosedCopy Submission

  1. If you have more than one company to send your submission to, click Copy Submission. This opens the Copy Policy/Submission form.

  2. Enter the Submission # and select the appropriate Company for the second submission (all other information from the first submission defaults) and then click OK. This opens the Submission form for the second submission.

  3. Edit the policy and the line of business detail, if needed, and click the Save & Close button or select Save & Close from the File menu. This returns focus to the Submission Group form.

  4. Continue adding companies (using Copy Submission) until you have finished adding companies to your submission for this customer.

  5. After all submissions are created, its time to send your submissions to the companies. Go to the next section, Sending Submissions to the Companies.

    ClosedSending Submissions to the Companies

  1. Once all of your submission are created, it is time to send/export them to the various companies. From the Submission Group form, click Export on each submission. This opens the Single Tran Export form.

  2. Select your Export Vendor. and fill in the Single Tran Export form as appropriate.  See the Single Tran Export form for additional information.

  3. Click Export.

  4. Setup an Activity specifying that the submissions have been sent, and a Suspense for a date in the future in which you feel at least one of the companies should have communicated with you.

    ClosedCompany Responses/Communications

  1. As the companies, and your customer communicate with you, be sure to log activities for the types of communications received (e.g., Quoted, Quote Received, Declined by Company, Declined by Customer, etc.). These are Actions found in the Activity/Suspense form.

  2. When a quote is received from the company, enter the quote into the appropriate Submission form > Transaction Premium fields by LOB.

  3. The quoted amount will then appear in the Submission Group form > List of Submissions section > Total Quote field for the appropriate submission in the Submission Group form. It also appears in the Customer View>Submissionstab >Last Quotefield for the appropriate submission.

  4. As you add Activities through the submission process, the last activity entered will appear in the Submission Group form,  List of Submissions section > Last Activity field for the appropriate submission. It also appears in the Customer View > Submissions tab > Last Activity field for the appropriate submission.

    ClosedUsing the Submission Tracking Report

Use the Submission Tracking Report:

  1. To track a specific Submission and its Activities.

  2. To track all submissions for a specific company to see how your marketing is going with this company (e.g., always declines, etc.).

  3. To see all submissions for a specific customer.

  4. To see the valuable information given when you choose different formats for the report, while sorting by customer or company.

    ClosedAll Quotes Received; Ready to Place Business

    ClosedNew Business (Risk)

For new business, follow the steps below:

  1. Go into the Submission Group form and select the submission you want to make into a policy.

  2. Click Create Policy. This opens the Create New Policy form. The submission information defaults into the submission fields.

  3. Enter the new Policy # and click OK. Everything in the submission pulls to the new policy.

    ClosedRenewal Business

For renewal business, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the expiring policy.

  2. Click the Renew button or select Renew from the Transactions menu. This opens the Create Renewal/Rewrite Policy form.

  3. Select the Submission # you want to create your renewal from and click OK.

  4. The new policy term comes from the selected submission and open the Policy form.