Auto Rater Driver View
This is the Auto Rater Driver View. Click the icon on the menu bar to access this view.
Information/processes available from this view are as follows:
Information from the Client View transfers over to the appropriate fields.
field | description |
Highlighted Row | The information in this area is determined from the information you entered from the Client View and from the default fields on this tab (Sex, Marital/Partner Status, Filing, Occupation, and Driver Training). It changes as you proceed through the quote process. |
Column # | The driver number. |
Column Name | The name of the driver. |
Column Age | The age of the driver. |
Column Ignore | This column has an X when the Ignore for rating box is checked. |
Column Sex | The gender of the driver. |
Column Mar | The martial status of the driver. |
Column Veh | The number of the vehicle the driver drives. |
Column #Acc | The number of accidents the driver has had. |
Column #Vio | The number of violations the driver has had. |
Column MVR |
Y = yes, a motor vehicle record was ordered N = no, a motor vehicle record was not ordered (Sex, Marital/Partner Status, Filing, and Occupation) on this view. It changes as you proceed through the quote process. |
Delete Button | Click to delete the highlighted driver. |
Add Button | Click to add a driver. |
Ignore for rating Box | Click to disregard the driver for rating. Note: There must be more than one driver. |
Continue to the General tab.