Cancellation Text Crossout

When you create ACORD 25 Certificates of Insurance, you can cross out specific text in the Cancellation section of the Certificate that says that the company will try to provide a certain number of days' notice of cancellation.

The specific text includes the phrases, "endeavor to" and "but failure to do so shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the insurer, its agents or representatives."  You will see the results on the printed form.

This option is not available for the ACORD 25 Certificate of Insurance (2009/09) version of the form.

Options that affect Cancellation Text

Options (flags) on the following five pages can determine whether Cancellation Text is crossed out on Certificates of Insurance:

Although the option also appears on the Client-level AOI page, it is not referenced for Certificate creation, but rather so that the information flows down through the system.

The options on these pages are:

Certificate of Insurance\Evidence of

Property Personalization Page



Cancellation Section


Display Option for Cancellation Section Amendment (XXX out wording)- Certificates?

This option determines whether the "Cancellation Amendment?" option is displayed on the ACORD 25 Certificate Preview Page when you create a Template and any certificates associated with it.  

Role Based Security Maintenance Page

Client Level - Status


Canc Amendment holder

Thisoption determines whether a user hasFull Access,Display Only, orNo Accessto the Cancellation Amendment option on the Certificate Holder, Template Preview, and Certificate Preview pages.

Policy Level - Status


Canc Amendment AOI

Thisoption determines whether a user hasFull Access,Display Only, orNo Accessto the Cancellation Amendment option on the Additional/Other Interests, Template Preview, and Certificate Preview pages.   

Certificate Holder Page

Canc Amendment

Thisoption determines whether Cancellation text is crossed out on the form for the certificate holder. SelectYesto cross out the text; selectNoor leave the fieldblankif you do not want the text to be crossed out.

Additional/Other Interests Page (Client Level and Policy Level)

Canc Amendment

This option determines whether Cancellation text is crossed out on the form for the policy-level AOI. Select Yes to cross out the text; select No or leave the field blank if you do not want the text to be crossed out.

The options on these pages are designed to work independently of one another, although you can use them in combination. You can decide whether you want to use the options on one of the pages, or a combination of the options on both pages.

How the Options Work

The following table provides a brief overview of how the options work together:

Page\Option and Setting


Certificate of Insurance/EPI Personalization Page

Display Option for Cancellation Section Amendment (XXX out wording)? = No or blank

Blank (No) is the default setting.


Cancellation Section Amendment? does not appear on the ACORD 25 Certificate Page -- Preview Tab, so you cannot change it.   

You cannot make a change on the Preview page to cross (xxx) out the Cancellation text on the form.

Certificate of Insurance/EPI Personalization Page

Display Option for Cancellation Section Amendment (XXX out wording)? = YES

Cancellation Section Amendment?does appear on the ACORD 25 Certificate Page -- Preview Tab, so you can change it.    

Blank (No) is the default setting.

You can change the field indicator to Yes to cross (xxx) out cancellation text on the form.

On the Role Based Security Maintenance Page, both of the following options are set:

  • CANC AMEND HOLDER(Client Level section)
  • CANC AMEND AOI(Policy Level section)
  • and
  • CANC AMEND = NO(Certificate Holder Page)
  • CANC AMEND  = NO  (Additional/Other Interests Page)


Entries made on the Role Based Security Maintenance Page for CANC AMEND HOLDER and CANC AMEND AOI ultimately determine whether the CANC AMEND option (for the HOLDER or AOI) appears and can be changed.

If a user's Role is set to:

  • Full Access: The CANC AMEND options are displayed on the Template Preview and Certificate Preview pages, and are not checked off, and the text is not crossed out. A user with Full Access can override the field and cause the text to be crossed out.
  • Display Only: The CANC AMEND options are displayed on the Template Preview and Certificate Preview pages, but the user cannot change them to cross out text.
  • No Access, the user can neither see nor change the CANC AMEND options on the Template Preview and Certificate Preview pages.

On the Role Based Security Maintenance Page, both of the following options are set:

  • CANC AMEND HOLDER (Client Level section)
  • CANC AMEND AOI (Policy Level section)


  • CANC AMEND = YES(Certificate Holder Page)
  • CANC AMEND  = YES  (Additional/Other Interests Page)


Entries made on the Role Based Security Maintenance Page for CANC AMEND HOLDER and CANC AMEND AOI ultimately determine whether the CANC AMEND option (for the HOLDER or AOI) appears and can be changed.

If a user's Role is set to:

  • Full Access, the CANC AMEND options are displayed on the Template Preview and Certificate Preview pages, and are checked off, and the text is crossed out. A user with Full Access can override the field and cause the text to be included on the certificate.
  • Display Only, the CANC AMEND options are displayed on the Template Preview and Certificate Preview pages, but the user cannot change them and allow the text to be included on the certificate.
  • No Access, the user can neither see nor change the CANC AMEND options on the Template Preview and Certificate Preview pages.

Toolbar Users

If your agency uses Toolbars, rather than Role Based Security Maintenance, to control access to options, the CANC AMEND options are always displayed on the Additional/Other Interests Page, and users can change them to indicate whether the text should appear on the Certificate or should be crossed (xxx) out.

If Display option for Cancellation Section Amendment (XXX out wording)-Certificates? on the Certificate of Insurance\Evidence of Property Personalization Page is set to:

  • No, the CANC AMEND option does not appear on the Preview page, the CANC AMEND on the AOI/Holder is disregarded, and the text is not crossed (xxx) out even if the setting on the AOI/Holder is Yes.  
  • Yes, then CANC AMEND option is displayed on the Preview page, and it looks to the setting on the AOI/Holder to determine the setting on the Preview. You can change the setting if you like.


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