Certificate Holder Page

Use this page to record information about a certificate holder and to link Supplemental Names to the Holder.

Information you enter here flows to ACORD forms, such as Applications, Binders, Certificates, Change Requests, EPIs, Loss Notices, and Schedules of Insurance. You must complete a separate Certificate Holder page for each holder specified on the policy.

If you link Supplemental Names to a Holder, and you have set personalization on the Certificate of Insurance\Evidence of Property Personalization Page and/or the ACORD Certificate Policy Selections Page -- Policies Tab to use Holders, you can select associated AOIs or Holders when you create certificates using the Certificate Wizard. Setting these options can streamline the Certificate creation process and the number of forms created.

Quick Entry Fields section

Your agency can personalize this page to display the most frequently used fields in a section at the top of the page for completion. To set up a Quick Entry Fields section on this page, see Moving Fields to the Quick Entry Fields Section of a Page.


The client must already be entered on the system.

During Personalization, your agency sets up an Additional Interest File that includes the names, codes, addresses, contact names, phone and fax numbers of frequently used Certificate Holders.

When you click the Search icon at the ADD'L/OTHER INT CODE (AOI code) field, you can select a Holder from codes stored in the Additional Interest File. When you select a code, the information associated with that code automatically pre-fills to the appropriate fields on the Certificate Holder page.

How to access this page

  1. Look up and load the client.

  2. Select Holders from the Client primary navigation. The Certificate Holders List appears.

  3. Do one of the following:




view or update information for an existing Holder.

First you must highlight the appropriate item in the Holder list.


add a Holder for this policy.


print a list of the Holders. This report will include all group codes under a Group Code header, and will also include the phone number, fax number, and email address under the address.


archive or delete the selected Holder. If you click Archive, the Holder is archived. If you click Delete, the system prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the Holder. If you click Yes, the Holder is archived and you return to the Active Holders grid. If you click No, you are returned to the Active Holders grid.


to display a list of Holders that were previously archived.

Date Off

date off one or more Holder records in the grid. You must highlight any record before you date it off. If there is more than one block of records, you must bring up each block and highlight the records to be dated off. A prompt asks you to confirm that you want to date off the records.


activate one or more Holder records previously dated off. You must highlight any record before you activate it. If there is more than one block of records, you must bring up each block and highlight the records to be activated.

Fax Number

If you want to distribute certificates to a holder via fax, you must enter the fax number of the holder in this field.

Email Address

If you want to distribute certificates to holders (or multiple holders) via email, you must enter the email address for each holder in this field. The field is a free form field. Enter an email address. If you have more than one email address to put in, click Enter  to type in the next email address, or put a space between each one.

When entering multiple email addresses, you should not enter semi-colons between each one.

Once you have entered all the email addresses, click Tab. This field can be exported and imported via Client Schedules.

A copy of the form will be emailed to each email address in the field, but only one copy will be stored on the ASD Server.

Preferred Distribution Option

Use the Preferred Distribution option to assign a method for distributing Certificate/EPI(s) for Certificate Holders and Additional Other Interests.




defaults to print.


distribute the Certificate/EPI(s) via email.

There must be an email address in the E-MAIL ADDRESS field, or the field pinks out and an error message is displayed at the top of the page.


distribute the Certificate/EPI(s) via fax.

There must be a FAX number in the FAX field, or the field pinks out and an error message is displayed at the top of the page.

Print (or blank)

open in Adobe to print the Certificate/EPI(s).

Email and Print

distribute the Certificate/EPI(s) via email AND another copy opens in Adobe to print. Only one copy is stored on the ASD Server.

There must be an email address in the E-MAIL ADDRESS field, or the field pinks out and an error message is displayed at the top of the page.

Email and Fax

distribute the Certificate/EPI(s) via email AND fax. Only one copy is stored on the ASD Server.

There must be an email address in the E-MAIL ADDRESS field, or the field pinks out and an error message is displayed at the top of the page.

There must be a FAX number in the FAX field, or the field pinks out and an error message is displayed at the top of the page.

Fax and Print

distribute the Certificate/EPI(s) via fax AND open in Adobe to print. Only one copy is stored on the ASD Server.

There must be a FAX number in the FAX field, or the field pinks out and an error message is displayed at the top of the page.

Email, Fax and Print

distribute the Certificate/EPI(s) via all three options – email, fax and print. Only one copy is stored on the ASD Server.

There must be an email address in the E-MAIL ADDRESS field, or the field pinks out and an error message is displayed at the top of the page.

There must be a FAX number in the FAX field, or the field pinks out and an error message is displayed at the top of the page.

No. Cancellation Days field (Optional)

The number you enter in this two-digit field pre-fills to the Number of Cancellation Days field on the Certificate of Insurance if a Holder is attached to the certificate.

If you


Leave this field blank (default)

The number of Cancellation days doesnot pre-fill to this field on the form.

Enter a number from 1 to 99

The number you entered in the No. of Cancellation Days field on this page or on the Additional/Other Interests Page pre-fills to this field on the certificate.


A Lookup option for this field lets you search for any agency-specific codes your agency might have created.

Display of and access to the No. of Cancellation Days fields is determined on the Role Based Security Maintenance Page.

If a user with Full Access is creating a Certificate form for selected AOIs/Holders that do not have a number in the No. of Cancellation Days field, the user should enter the “No. of Cancellation Days” in the field that is located on the Template Preview page. If there is a number entered on an AOI/Holder and the user does not have Full Access, the field AOI/Holder will be used on the form.

Your System Administrator adds these entries to a new file, CANCEL.NO. DAYS, on the Generic Code Maintenance Page.  

From this dialog, your System Administrator can add a specific number of cancellation days, along with a text description, for selection. The entries added might be made in accordance with state statutes, company policy, and the like.

These entries are not verified against the codes created, so you need not enter codes in Generic Code Maintenance before you can add it to the field.

Examples of Codes You Might Set Up in Generic Code Maintenance:




10 Days for MA, VT, & CT


Standard 30 Days


Standard 60 Days

If the number of cancellation days pre-fills to the Cancellation section of the form from the No. of Cancellation Days field, and you change it manually on the Certificate Preview page, the Certificate of Insurance form is printed with the number of days you changed to. However, the number of cancellation days entered in the No. Cancellation Days field on the Certificate Holder page appears on any certificates you print later.

Your System Administrator can click the Lookup icon at this field to add the number of days from the Lookup dialog box.

From this dialog, your System Administrator can add a specific number of cancellation days, along with a text description, for selection. The entries added might be made in accordance with state statutes, company policy, and the like.

The entries made in this field are not verified against code created in Generic Code Maintenance, so you can make any entries here.

When you load software, the Add button on the CANCEL.NO.DAYS lookup is disabled. You can make this button available by accessing Lookup Add Maintenance from the Other Transaction Maintenance Page.

Cancellation Amendment field (optional)

This field may or may not appear on this page, depending on the selection made for the Canc Amend (Cancellation Amendment) Holder  option in the Client Level section of the Role Based Security Maintenance Page, and the role assigned to you.

The role assigned to you must have Full Access to this option, as assigned on the Role-Based Security page. Otherwise, the option is 'protected' so that you cannot change it, or it is not displayed at all.

The selection that you make determines whether the Cancellation text appears on the certificate when it is issued for the specific Holder, and it cannot be overridden.

The selection that you make determines whether the Cancellation text on the certificate when it is issued for the specific AOI, and cannot be overridden.

If you select



The Cancellation Amendment text ("Endeavor to..." wording) in the Cancellation section of the certificate is crossed out when a certificate is issued for the linked Holder.

No or leave the field blank (default)

The Cancellation Amendment text ("Endeavor to..." wording) in the Cancellation section of the certificate is NOT crossed out when a certificate is issued for the linked Holder.

This option may be affected by other options. For more information, see Cancellation Text Crossout.

No. Days for Non-Payment

The No. Days for Non-Payment field determines how many days before cancellation that the additional interest will be notified prior to the termination of the policy. If you enter a number in this field, the number entered in the field pre-fills to the certificate.

Display of and access to No. Days for Non-Payment field is determined on the Role Based Security Maintenance page.

The No. Days for Non-Payment field has a Lookup for agency-specific codes created in Generic Code Maintenance. These codes can be based on state statute, company standards, and the like, and entered, with a text description. The entries made in this field are not verified against the codes created, so you need not have made entries in this file to enter it on the field.

If you


Leave this field blank (default)

The number of days for non-payment does not pre-fill to this field on the Certificate of Insurance form.

Enter a number from 1 to 99

The number you entered in the No. of Days Non-Payment field on this page or on the Certificate Holder Page pre-fills to this field on the certificate.

Page sections

The first section of this page provides information about the client and policy. You cannot add or change information in the first section.

You can use the Date Off field to make an existing Certificate Holder record inactive. For important information about dating off an Certificate, see Dating Off a Record and Using Automatic Date Off.

Certificate Holder Section

Use the Search icon at the AOI Code field to look up and select the code your agency has assigned to the Holder. When you select the AOI code, the name, address, phone, and fax fields pre-fill with data from the Additional Interest File.

Associated Supplemental Names (#) Section

Use this field to add a Supplemental name and link to the holder here. You can use the Lookup to select from Supplemental Names previously created at the Client level, or you can enter names manually. The Supplemental Name field is the only entry field in this section; other fields displayed are based on Supplemental Name selection.

The selections made for Use Selected AOI/Holder Supplemental Name Links? on the Certificate of Insurance\Evidence of Property Personalization Page and Use Supplemental Names Links? on the ACORD Certificate Policy Selections Page -- Policies Tab determine whether Supplemental Names are used when you create certificates.

Description of Operations

If applicable, enter a Description of Operations associated with the Certificate Holder. The information that you enter here defaults to the Description of Operations field on the Certificate Page -- Preview Tab if you linked Supplemental Names to this Holder.

In the Description of Operations field, you can display and select multiple descriptions at a time in the Lookup section.   

With the ability to select multiple codes, the actual code will no longer display in the Certificate of Description code field. Upon manual entry to selection of codes from the lookup, the description will pre-fill and the code field remains blank.

“Dated off” codes are not displayed and cannot be selected. If the code is entered manually, the following message appears:

"(1903) This record was dated off mm/dd/yyyy and can’t be used."

You can enter up to 108 characters.

Group Codes

If applicable, enter the Group Codes associated with the Certificate Holder. The information that you enter here defaults to the ACORD Additional Interest Group Code Selections Page -- Group Codes Tab when you create certificates, if you linked Group Codes to this Holder.


You can attach a PDF (Portable Document Format) file to a holder. When you issue a certificate for the Holder, the PDF file is attached when the certificate is issued.

There is one field in the attachment section.

Click the Search magnifying glass icon to select a PDF file, or multiple PDF files. The name(s) of the PDF(s) will populate the Attachments field.

The file is attached when you issue a certificate for this holder.

Title Bar Menu



Save or ALT+S

preserve any changes you made to this page.

Quit or ALT+Q

exit this page without saving changes.

Copy or ALT+C

copy information for this holder to a new holder record.

Delete or ALT+D

delete the record for this holder.

Prev or

view previous Holder page in sequence.

Next or ALT+N

view next Holder page in sequence.



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