Agent Licenses

Use the Agent Licenses page to view complete insurance license information of an agent connected to your agency's network.

To open the Agent Licenses page, use one of the following methods:

The Agent Licenses page contains the following sections:

Record Summary


Offers controls allowing you to narrow the default display in the Licenses section of all of the agent's licenses in all states.


By default, displays all of the agent's licenses in all states, with related lines of authority hidden. Licenses are sorted alphabetically by State. When filtered by options in the Filters section, displays results of the filtered search.

If you are printing the content of the Agent Licenses page using the Mozilla Firefox browser, enable the Shrink to Fit and Landscape orientation options, so that the entire table width fits inside the printed page.

A Renew link displays in the Actions column of a license if the license expiration date is 60 or fewer days n the future.