Basic Info

In this topic, we continue our discussion of the Invoice command, located on the Policy Menu.

The Basic Info tab located in the Invoice Transaction – Header dialog box is used to manage the basic information about the invoice such as transaction information, due dates, billing type, and the option to add an invoice message.

  1. In the Invoice Transaction pane, make any necessary changes to the following information:
    1. Reason – reason for the invoice
    2. Description – brief description of the invoice
    3. Division – division to which the account executive is assigned
    4. Team – team to which the account executive is assigned
    5. Finance Co. – name of the finance company, populated automatically if it has already been entered on the Detail tab of the Issue Binder dialog box
    6. Financed – indicates whether the policy is subject to premium financing
    7. Contract Nbr – populated automatically if entered on theDetail tab of the Issue Binder dialog box (Click to select an available contract.)

  1. Enter the following information in the Basic Info pane.
    1. Due Date – date by which the payment is due from the retail agent/broker
    2. Paid By Statement – indicates whether the retail agent/broker pays by statement
    3. Mkt Due Date – date by which payment is due to the carrier from your agency
    4. Report Date – date on which the policy was received (Click to use the Calendar.)

  1. In the Billing Type pane, select the appropriate billing type for the invoice.
    1. Agency Bill – billed by your agency to the retail agent/broker
    2. Direct Bill/Insured Bill – billed by your agency to the insured
    3. Direct Bill/Company To Insured – billed by the carrier to the insured
  2. In the Invoice Message pane, select an invoice message, if applicable in the Message box.

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