Select Security Role
If you have system administrator permissions, use the Select Security Role page to select a system security role to review or modify or to add a new security role.
To open the Select Security Role page, From the Administration menu select User Security, and then select Maintain Security Role.
The Select Security Role page displays a table listing all security roles currently in the system. Fields and controls include the following:
Add Security Role: Click to open the Add Security Role page, where you can configure a new security role to which to assign users.
Role Name: For each security role listed, displays the non-modifiable security role name.
Role Description: For each security role listed, displays a long description of the security role.
Actions: For each security role listed, offers the following controls:
Edit (
): Click to open the Maintain Security Role page, where you can update the security role.
Return: Click to exit the Select Security Role page and open the Producer Manager Home page.