Maintain Security Role
Each user in Producer Manager must be assigned to at least one security role. A security role consists of specific permissions to view or update data or to access functions or controls in the system.
Much of the role-based security in Producer Manager deals with limiting a user's access to one or multiple pages in the system. For example, for a user in a licensing specialist role, you can deny permission to open the Add New User page, which a user in an administrator role would use to set up an account in Producer Manager for a new staff member. Similarly, a user in an administrator role may be unconcerned from a business standpoint about producer licensing, and so the administrator role can be set up to disallow access to the Submit Producer License Application page.
Other role-based permissions are more granular, and their enabled/disabled settings per role may have to do with your company's policies. For example, you may decide to enable the Show Unmasked Social Security Numbers (SSNs) permission (which recently replaced the Mask Social Security Numbers SSNs permission) whereby if a user has at least one role that has the permission enabled that user will be able to view Social Security Numbers, while other users without this permission will have Social Security Numbers masked. Also, for the Details data section only, you can choose to allow a user assigned to a role the permission to modify a certain field or only to view the data in it. You also can choose to hide the field altogether.
If you have system administrator permissions, use the Maintain Security Role page to add permissions to or remove permissions from an existing security role, thereby allowing or denying access to particular data or system functions for users assigned to the role.
To open the Maintain Security Role page, use one of the following methods:
From the Administration menu select User Security, and then select Maintain Security Role. The Select Security Role page will open, displaying a list of all security roles currently in the system. In the Actions column, click the Edit button (
) corresponding to a security role whose permissions you want to modify
From the Administration menu select User Security, and then select Add Security Role. The Add Security Role page will open, allowing you to add a new security role to assign users. Once you have added the role to the system, click the Next button to open the Maintain Security Role page, where you can enable or disable specific permissions for the new role.
Note: Vertafore pre-configures three security roles for all deployments of Producer Manager: Administrator, Licensing Specialist, and View Only. Contact your Vertafore representative for details about the specific permissions enabled for each pre-configured role.
Note: If you are adding a new security role using the Copy Permissions From option on the Add Security Role page, some permissions already may be selected.
Note: The View Audit Information checkbox toggles on or off the display of audit fields in the Licenses/Qualifcations and Appointments data sections of a producer record. Audit fields consist of Created By, Created On, Updated By, and Updated On fields. Note that audit fields on in other data sections are not affected by this option setting.
New application features often are disabled until an administrator enables them per security role. Review the release notes with each new version of Producer Manager to find new features that an administrator must enable per security role.
To make navigating through the page easier, use the browser's Find utility. Press CTRL + F, and then in the Find field enter a keyword relating to a permission you are looking for. Click the Next button to highlight occurrences of the keyword on the page.