Maintain Hierarchy Levels
If you have system administrator permissions, use the Maintain Hierarchy Levels page to configure producer roles to the ordered levels used in compensation or reporting agreement hierarchies.
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To open the Maintain Hierarchy Levels page, from the Administration menu select Configure System, and then select Maintain Hierarchy Levels.
The Maintain Hierarchy Levels page contains the following sections:
Ordered Levels
Table displays the current order of available levels, from most dominant level (displaying in the top table row) to most subordinate level (displaying in the bottom table row).
The order in which levels appear in this table determines which hierarchy levels are available to include when setting up a reporting or compensation structure using a hierarchy template. (For more information, see Add Hierarchy Templates.)
To move a level up or down in the Ordered Levels table, click and hold the left mouse button to select the level, drag the mouse to move the level to the desired position in the table, and then release the mouse button. The level will be reordered to become dominant to levels below and subordinate to levels above in new hierarchy templates.
To remove a level from the Ordered Levels table, click and hold the left mouse button to select the level, drag the mouse to move the level to the Additional Producer Type Codes table, and then release the mouse button.
The value in [brackets] opposite Ordered Levels name displays the code representing the agreement type that is associated permanently with the level.
If the <Select an Agreement Type> dropdown menu displays instead of a value in [brackets], select the name of an agreement type to associate with the Ordered Level.
Until a parent/child agreement hierarchy is established that is governed by a hierarchy template that uses an Ordered Level, you may modify the agreement type associated with the Ordered Level. Afterward, the agreement type is locked permanently to the Ordered Level, and all parent/child agreement hierarchies created governed by the hierarchy template will be automatically given the associated agreement type.
Additional Producer Type Codes
Table displays producer roles not currently in or assignable to ordered levels when setting up a reporting or compensation structure using a hierarchy template. (For more information, see Add Hierarchy Templates.)
Roles displaying in this section are used for Additional Producers on agreements. When setting up an agreement to include a producer that is not necessarily a part of an agreement hierarchy, you may assign an individual or firm producer to one of these "unordered" roles. (For more information, see Maintain Additional Producers.)
To configure an unordered producer role displaying in the Additional Producer Type Codes section to become an ordered level in an agreement hierarchy, click and hold the left mouse button to select it, drag the mouse to move the role to the desired position in the Ordered Levels table, and then release the mouse button. The producer role at its new level will become dominant to levels below and subordinate to levels above in compensation or reporting agreement governed by a selected hierarchy template. (For more information, see Assign New Levels to Hierarchy Templates.)
Page Controls
- Revert Changes: Click to undo changes made to hierarchy levels.
- Save Changes: Click to commit changes made to hierarchy levels and open the Assign New Levels to Hierarchy Templates page, where you can assign producer roles in their ordered levels to one or multiple hierarchy templates.
The system will not allow you to reorder levels within or remove them from the Ordered Levels table if doing so would invalidate existing, active hierarchy templates. For more information, see Maintain Hierarchy Templates.
Note: To configure the actual codes and descriptions that represent the levels available on the Maintain Hierarchy Levels page, select to update or add to the AGRMT_PRDCR_ROLE_CD code group on the Maintain Codes page. For more information, see Maintain Codes.
Note: Additional Producer Type Codes must be mapped to agreement types in order to be used in setting up reporting or compensation hierarchy templates. Unmapped levels added to the Ordered Levels table will be marked with a warning symbol (
). Contact Vertafore Client Services for assistance.
For step-by-step instructions on setting up hierarchy levels, see Setting Up and Working With Agreements.