Professional Liability Insufficient Coverage Inquiry

Available in spreadsheet format only.

Use the Professional Liability Insufficient Coverage Inquiry page to run a report showing producers with missing, lapsed, or expiring professional liability coverage as of a specified date.

ClosedView screen capture of report criteria

ClosedView screen capture of report results, Title tab

ClosedView screen capture of report results, Data tab

To open the Professional Liability Insufficient Coverage Inquiry page, from the Inquiries menu select Producer Management, and then select Professional Liability Insufficient Coverage Inquiry.

The Professional Liability Insufficient Coverage Inquiry page contains the following sections:

ClosedReport Criteria

Use the filter fields to enter report criteria and tailor the report results to suit your needs.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Insufficient coverage as of:Required. Enter a date using the mm-dd-yyyy date format. Or, click the Calendar button () to open a popup calendar from which you can click to select a date. The system will search for producers whose most recent professional liability coverage has an Expiration Date on or prior to or an Effective Date later than the date entered, as well as for producers whose records do not include any professional liability coverage.
  • Only include Producers with expired coverage.: Click to checkmark the checkbox to filter the report results to exclude producers whose records do not include any professional liability coverage.
  • Coverage Type:Required. Choose from among the following:
  • To report producers with insufficient errors and omissions professional liability coverage, from the dropdown menu select Errors & Omissions.
  • To report producers with insufficient bond professional liability coverage, from the dropdown menu select Bond.
  • To report producers with insufficient professional liability coverage ofbothcoverage types, from the dropdown menu select Errors & Omissions And Bond.
  • To report producers with insufficient professional liability coverage ofeithercoverage type, from the dropdown menu select Errors & Omissions Or Bond.
  • Producer Type: To report producers with insufficient professional liability coverage regardless of entity type, from the dropdown menu selectBoth(default). Or, to filter the report to include only individual producers with insufficient professional liability coverage, from the dropdown menu selectIndividual. Or, to filter the report to include only firm producers with insufficient professional liability coverage, from the dropdown menu selectFirm.
  • Producer Status: To filter the report to include only producers with a recordStatusof Active, from the dropdown menu select Active (default). Or, to filter the report to include only producers with a recordStatusof Inactive, from the dropdown menu select Inactive. Or, to filter the report to include only producers with a recordStatusof Pending, from the dropdown menu select Pending. (For more information about recordStatus, see Details.)
  • Business Units: To report producers with insufficient professional liability coverage without regard to producer business unit criteria, make no selection from the box. Or, to filter the report to include only producers with insufficient professional liability coverage that are assigned to one or multiple business units, click to select one or multiple business unit short names in the box. To select multiples, press the CTRL key on your keyboard while clicking; click again while pressing the CTRL key to de-select.

ClosedReport Results

Displays information in a spreadsheet format about producers whose professional liability coverage lapsed or will expire by the date entered in the Report Criteria section. Also may include producers whose records do not include any professional liability coverage. Results may be narrowed by selected filter criteria.

The Title tab of the report displays a summary of the selected report criteria.

For each producer with a professional liability coverage that met the report criteria, results include the following data fields:

  • Producer Name: Displays the name of the individual or firm producer.
  • NPN: Displays the producer's National Producer Number.
  • PM Producer Id: Displays the unique, system-assigned identifier of the producer's record in Producer Manager.
  • Preferred External System ID: Displays the external system identifier marked as "Primary" on the producer's record.
  • Active Business Units: Displays the short name(s) of the business units with which the producer is actively associated (sorted alphabetically).
  • Producer Type: Displays IL for an individual producer or AGY for a firm producer.
  • Email Address: Displays the producer's email address.
  • Phone Number: Displays the producer's phone number associated with the Business Location phone type. No data will be reported if the producer's record lacks a Business Location phone number.  (For more information, see Contact Information.)
  • Address: Displays the producer's address information associated with the Business Location address type. No data will be reported if the producer's record lacks a Business Location address. (For more information, see Contact Information.)
  • Coverage: Displays either POLICY for errors and omissions policy or BOND for a bond.
  • Company Name: Displays the name of the company issuing the producer’s professional liability coverage.
  • Policy Number: Displays the policy number of the producer’s professional liability coverage.
  • Effective Date: Displays the beginning date of the effective period of the producer’s professional liability coverage.
  • Expiration Date: Displays the ending date of the effective period of the producer’s professional liability coverage.
  • Per-Incident Coverage: Displays the limit in dollars and cents payable per claim or incident under the producer’s professional liability coverage.
  • Total Coverage: Displays the aggregate limit in dollars and cents payable during the effective period under the producer’s professional liability coverage.

ClosedPage Controls

Controls include the following:

  • Submit Offline: Click to generate the inquiry offline, where it can be retrieved in multiple output formats by any staff member with the permissions to view it. For more information, see Recent Reports.
  • Cancel: Click to open the Producer Manager Home page.


Note: The purpose of this report is to reveal producers with missing, lapsed, or expiring professional liability coverage or gaps in coverage as of a specific date. The report is intended to ignore producers whose professional liability coverage expires but is renewed upon expiration. To these ends, the report results include any producer whose record reflects coverage with an Expiration Date that is on or before the date entered in the Insufficient coverage as of field but no subsequent coverage of the same type OR that reflects subsequent coverage of the same type but with an Effective Date that is after the date entered in the Insufficient coverage as of field.

Note: If the report results include a producer with both insufficient errors and omissions and bond coverage types, the producer will be listed twice on separate rows on the results spreadsheet.

Note: Report results are limited to a maximum of 64,000 rows. Therefore, to avoid incomplete results, we strongly recommend that you avoid running the Professional Liability Insufficient Coverage Inquiry with the Only include Producers with expired coverage checkbox uncheckmarked, until after all producer records in Producer Manager have been updated with initial professional liability coverage information. You may update records either manually or by using the Bulk Professional Liability Updates utility in the Producer Express Bulk Business Updates module .For more information about bulk business updates, see Producer Express Bulk Processing Module User Guide.


To search for producers with professional liability coverage that will expire by a certain future date, enter the date in the Insufficient coverage as of field. Or, to search for producers with professional liability coverage that has lapsed, enter today's date in the Insufficient coverage as of field. In either case, the coverage expiration date will be included in the report results.

If your company is using the Producer Express Bulk Business Updates module, you may use the results of a Professional Liability Insufficient Coverage Inquiry as the basis for a Bulk Professional Liability Updates data file. For more information about bulk business updates, see Producer Express Bulk Processing Module User Guide.


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