Contact Information

Use the Contact Information data section of a producer record to review a selected producer's address, telephone, email address, and communication preferences information.

ClosedView screen capture of individual record

ClosedView screen capture of firm record

To review a producer's Contact Information, click the Contact Information link in the Quick Links box of an individual or firm producer record that is open in the Review/Update Producer page.

The Contact Information data section includes the following sub-sections:


Displays a table listing information for each address type currently recorded for the selected producer.

For each address type listed, click the node () to expand the record row to display address information related to the selected address type. Click the node () again to collapse the record row and hide the address information.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Line One: For each address listed, displays its first address line.

  • Line Two: For each address listed, displays its second address line.
  • City: For each address listed, displays its city name.
  • State: For each address listed, displays its state name
  • Postal Code: For each address listed, displays its postal or ZIP code.
  • Province: For each Canadian address listed, displays its province name.
  • Country: For each international address listed, displays its country name.
  • Contact Information: Firm producers only. For each address listed, displays the name and email address of the contact person for the selected address type at the selected firm. Fields include the following:
  • Last: Displays the last name of the contact person for the selected address type at the selected firm.
  • First: Displays the first name of the contact person for the selected address type at the selected firm.

  • Middle: Displays the middle name of the contact person for the selected address type at the selected firm.

  • Email Address: Displays the valid email address of the contact person for the selected address type at the selected firm (e.g.,

  • Phone Information: Firm producers only. For each address listed, displays the related telephone contact information for the selected firm producer. Fields include the following:

  • Phone: Displays the phone number related to the selected address type.

  • Ext: Displays the phone number extension related to the selected address type.

  • Fax: Displays the facsimile number related to the selected address type.

  • Toll: Displays the toll-free phone number related to the selected address type.

  • Ext: Displays the toll-free phone number extension related to the selected address type.

  • Communication Preferences: Firm producers only. For each address listed, displays the preferred method of communication with the selected firm producer. Fields include the following:

  • [CommunicationPreferenceType]: Displays either Electronic Mail, Postal Mail, or Telephone.

  • Phone Type:Available only if preferred method of communication is Telephone. Displays the preferred phone type.

  • Add/Update/Delete Contact Information: Click to open the Maintain Contact Information page, where you can add, update, or delete address, phone, email, or communication preferences for the selected producer.

ClosedPhone Information (Individual producers only)

Displays a table listing telephone information for an address type currently recorded for the selected individual producer.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Phone Type: For each telephone type listed, displays its phone type.

  • Number:  For each telephone type listed, displays its telephone number.

  • Ext: For each telephone type listed, displays its telephone extension.

ClosedInternet (Individual producers only)

Displays an individual producer's email address.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Email Address: Displays the producer's valid email address (e.g. "").

ClosedCommunication Preferences (Individual producers only)

Displays the preferred method of communication with the selected individual producer.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • [CommunicationPreferenceType]: Displays the preferred method of communication with the selected firm producer: Electronic Mail, Postal Mail, or Telephone.

  • Address Type: Available only if preferred method of communication is Postal Mail. Displays the preferred address type.

  • Phone Type: Available only if preferred method of communication is Telephone. Displays the preferred phone type.


Note: Any address type or phone type can be Vertafore-configured to be required, based on your company's business requirements. Required address types or phone types for individual producer records can be different from those required for firm producers. If a producer record lacks a required address type or phone type, the record may be considered to deficient of required information. A producer record deficient of required information is considered "incomplete," and appointment or termination requests may not be submitted for the producer until the deficiency is corrected. For more information, see Configuration Options, Producers With Missing Information, or consult your Vertafore representative.

Note: For all address types except residential address, the first line (Line One) of an individual producer’s address information can be Vertafore-configured in the Outbound Data Feed to contain the firm name with which the producer is associated.This setting is accomplished using the ADDR_USE_PARENT_FIRM_LINE_ONE business rule.For more information, see Firm Associations and Configuration Options.

Note: You must enter valid value in the Email Address field of the Internet section of a producer's record in order for the producer to be eligible to receive a system-generated, scheduled notification. The system cannot generate an email to an individual producer whose record lacks an email address. The Notifications function ignores all firm email address information.

Note: An address type will display as locked (), if its corresponding Lock from NCOA Updates checkbox is checkmarked in the Address Information section of the Maintain Contact Information page.

Note: An address type will display as invalid (), if its corresponding Mark As Invalid checkbox is checkmarked in the  Address Information section of the Maintain Contact Information page.

Note: If your company uses PLM Producer Express, the system automatically will add contact information to a producer record in Producer Manager during processing of a Producer Express onboarding request. For more information, see the Producer Express online help.

Note: Producer address information stored in the Contact Information data section is subject to automatic, system updating through the following processes: a) an automated data reconciliation operation, such as Quick Sync Producer, Quick Load Producers, or Scheduled Syncs, that updates producer records with data from a third-party data source (such as the NIPR national producer database), or b) a Producer Express maintenance transaction request or bulk processing request. For more information, see the Producer Express online help or contact your Vertafore representative.


You can add address or email information to producer records in batches, using the Bulk Business Data Updates capability in Producer Express. For more information about Bulk Business Data Updates, contact your Vertafore representative. Also, see Printable Help Guides.


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