Quick Sync Producer

Use the Quick Sync Producer page to automatically update a producer record with data obtained from one or multiple external sources of producer data, such as the NIPR Producer Database (PDB), "Sircon States," or the Vertafore-maintained national producer education bank.

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To open the Quick Sync Producer page, choose one of the following methods:

  • From a producer record open in the Review/Update Producer page, click the Quick Sync Producer button, below the Quick Links box

  • From the Verify Sales Authorization page, click the Quick Sync link (available only after an sales authorization check that returned a NOT Authorized result)

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Step 1: Click to select the radio button corresponding to the PDB entry you want to use. (Typically there will be only one PDB entry, and it will already be selected.)

  • Step 2: From the dropdown menu select the merge profile you want to use for the reconciliation. A merge profile is a collection of strategies that determine if particular information in the producer record will be updated with information from external data sources, such as the PDB. (For more information, see Maintain Data Reconciliation Profiles.)

  • Step 3: Click to select the names of one or multiple states from which to obtain data from external data sources for the selected producer. To select all states, click the Select All States link at the top of the section. To deselect all selected states, click the Unselect All States link.

  • Step 4: From the dropdown menu select the cost center to which to apply costs associated with the automated data reconciliation.

  • Submit: Click to execute the automated data reconciliation. A workflow transition page will open allowing you to choose whether to view the Data Reconciliation Details of the request or review the producer record. The request will be submitted to the data reconciliation queue for offline processing. (For more information, see Data Reconciliation Requests.)

  • Cancel: Click to abort the automated data reconciliation operation and open the selected producer's record in the in the Review/Update Producer page.


Note: If the record you are attempting to refresh already is up-to-date with external data, the following message will display: "No New PDB Data Is Available. The PDB has no new information about this producer, or your strategies ignore the sections that have changed. You can submit a re-sync request at the bottom of the page, which will reuse the last PDB report and sync this producer again, or you can "Complete" this sync now, which will avoid a sync altogether (but update the Last Sync Date to today and synchronize the producer's NPN).” For more information about Last Sync Date, see Details data section.

Note: When the system has been configured for all customers to ignore the data from a specific state during an automated data reconciliation, the Quick Sync Producer page will display the following message: “Limited Reconciliation Services - Reconciliation of all producer data has been temporarily disabled in the following states: [StateName]. All other states will continue to be reconciled according to your system settings. Please contact Vertafore client services with any questions.” Typically this configuration is set only while a particular state is undergoing a regulatory database migration or a code conversion. During this period of time, the configuration  prevents invalid or outdated data from the state from corrupting customers’ producer data in Producer Manager. Once the integrity of an excluded state’s data has been verified, the configuration will be reset to restore automated data reconciliation services with the state.

Note: If the merge profile you selected does not contain merge strategies, the system will go ahead and retrieve information from the external data source, but the producer record will not be updated. If you have administrative privileges, you can click the Edit this profile’s merge strategies link to open the Maintain Quick Sync Profiles page where you can assign strategies to the merge profile and re-start the automated  data reconciliation operation.

Note: The maximum number of Quick Sync Producer requests that the system can process at one time is 10.

Note: Very rarely, automated data reconciliation will fail to update a producer's record if the value of the Last Sync Date in the Details data section on the record is later than the last-updated date of the external data. Unfortunately it is not possible for a user to diagnose this condition, because the last-updated date of data obtained from the national Producer Database (PDB) is not visible on a PDB report. If you believe this condition has caused automated data reconciliation to fail to update one or more producer records, please contact your Vertafore representative.[MKT-7403]

Note: If after you clicked the Quick Sync Producer button  Producer Manager is unable to find information from the PDB, a message will display, and you will be unable to use Quick Sync. Click the Cancel button to return to the producer record.


A firm that is the branch agency of a master agency may share an identical EIN with the master agency. The licenses held by both the branch and master agencies in a particular state may be reported on the national Producer Database (PDB) identically, except for license number. When performing an automated data reconciliation operation and encountering a situation where a firm entity holds multiple licenses of the same class or type in the same state, Producer Manager ignores the information and does not update the firm's record with PDB data from that state. Depending on your company's business practices, this situation may require never using automated data reconciliation tools, such as Quick Sync Producer, and instead may require manual upkeep of the master and branch agencies' license data. After manually recording license data on the master and/or branch agency records, you may use the Locked From Data Reconciliation Updates feature on the Correct License Data page to protect it from being overwritten inadvertently by an automated data reconciliation operation, such as Quick Sync Producer or Scheduled Syncs. You also may set a Producer Business Rule to protect license data from automated updates resulting from a Scheduled Sync but not Quick Sync Producer. For more information, see Maintaining Records of Agencies with Multiple Branch Locations and a Single EIN or consult your Vertafore representative.


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