Producers With Missing Information

When Vertafore implements your company's instance of Producer Manager, Vertafore can configure certain data types  to be "required," based on your company's business requirements. When a producer record lacks one or more required data types, the record is considered to be incomplete and compliance transactions, such as state appointments or appointment terminations, cannot be submitted. (For more information, see Configuration Options.)

Use the Producers With Missing Information page to review a list of producer records that lack specific data types that are configured as being required or requiring specific formatting in your company's instance of Producer Manager. (Often the list will contain new producer records that were added by a Quick Add Producer or Quick Load Producers operation.) You also can navigate quickly to a maintenance page in the system, where you can correct or update an incomplete producer record.

ClosedView screen capture

To open the Producers With Missing Information page, from the Licensing menu select Data Fix, and then select Producers With Missing Information.

The Producers With Missing Information page contains the following sections:

ClosedSearch Results

Contains a control to toggle between individual and firm producer records with missing information and table listing producer records that currently lack required information.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Producer Type: To populate the table with individual producer records with missing information, from the dropdown menu select Individual Licensee. Or, to populate the table with firm producer records with missing information, select Firm.

  • Name: For each incomplete producer record listed, displays a producer name as a blue hyperlink. Click a desired producer hyperlink to open the record in the Review/Update Producer page. Also displays a producer's residence state(s) codes in parentheses.

  • SSN: Individual producers only. For each incomplete producer record listed, displays a producer's Social Security Number as a blue hyperlink. Click a desired SSN hyperlink to display in the Search Results of the Advanced Producer Search page producers with the selected Social Security Number.

  • EIN: Firm producers only. For each incomplete producer record listed, displays a producer's Federal Employer Identification Number as a blue hyperlink. Click a desired EIN hyperlink to display in the Search Results of the Advanced Producer Search page producers with the selected Federal Employer Identification Number.

  • Ext. ID: For each incomplete producer record listed, displays a producer's ID code in your company's preferred external system as a blue hyperlink. Click a desired Ext. ID hyperlink to rerun the search to display in the Search Results of the  Advanced Producer Search page producers with the selected external system ID. Available only if an ID code for your company's preferred external system is recorded for a listed producer.

  • BU: For each incomplete producer record listed, displays as a blue hyperlink the short names of the business units, active or inactive, with which a producer is associated. Click the node () to expand the field to display all business units. Click the node () to collapse the information. Click a desired BU hyperlink to rerun the search to display in the Search Results of the Advanced Producer Search page producers associated with the selected business unit. Available only if at least one business unit is recorded for a listed producer.

  • Missing/Invalid Sections: For each incomplete producer record listed, displays as a blue hyperlink for each specific data element that has been configured in your company's instance of Producer Manager as being required and that is missing or contains invalid formatting in the record. Required data elements may include the following, depending on your company's configuration of Producer Manager:

  • Business Units

  • External System Identifiers

  • Resident States

  • Contact Information (specific address types)

  • Individual or Firm Details (Birth Date, NPN, etc.)

Click a blue hyperlink to open the specific maintenance page for the selected data type.

ClosedPage Controls

Fields and controls include the following:

  • [x]results found, displaying[v]to[w]: Displays the total number of records that met the search criteria and the range in numbers of records currently displaying in the Search Results section. (Maximum 20 per page.)

  • First/Prev: Click First to open the first page of results; click Prev to open the preceding page of results.

  • 1, 2, 3, ...: Click a numeral to open a specific numbered page of results.

  • Next/Last: Click Next to open the succeeding page of results; click Last to open the last page of results.

  • Return: Click the Return button to open the Producer Manager Home page.

  • Last Validated Date: Displays the date on which a record with missing information was last opened and thereby validated for completeness by Producer Manager.

  • Validation Status: Displays the completeness status of the record. Values include Incomplete (producer is new and has missing information that prevents the recorded from being completed) and Invalid (producer record was valid once but due to a business rule change is now missing required information).

  • Actions: Click the View Producer Record button to open a selected incomplete producer record in the Review/Update Producer page. Details sections of the record with missing information will be highlighted and flagged, and you can then make the necessary changes. For more information about using the Review/Update Producer function see Review/Update Producer .

  • Export Options: Click a link to select a file format to which to export the records appearing in the table. Select from CSV (comma-separated value, .csv), Excel, XML, or PDF formats.


Note: Data types that can be Vertafore-configured to be required on a producer record, based on your company's business requirements, include the following: at least one business unit, specific individual and/or firm address types, specific individual and/or firm phone types, birth date (for individuals), individual and/or firm resident state, at least one firm association (for individuals), at least one individual association (for firms), at least one agreement, and at least one external system ID.

Note: The state codes of up to two of a producer's resident states display in parentheses following the producer's name in the Producer field in the Search Results section. Additional resident states are represented by a "+" symbol.

Note: If your user account does not have at least one role with the Show Unmasked Social Security Numbers (SSNs) permission enabled, you will not be able to sort or filter results by SSN. For more informationFor more information, see Maintain Security Role.

Note: f the Advanced Producer Search security permission is not enabled in the security role to which your user account is assigned, values in the SSN, EIN, Ext. ID, and BU fields will be display-only, not blue hyperlinks to the Advanced Producer Search page. For more information, see Maintain Security Role.

Note: By default, an incomplete producer record (i.e., a record lacking required information) will be exported in the Outbound Data Feed from Producer Manager to a downstream system. However, this behavior is controlled by a Vertafore-configured business rule, XML_EXPORT_INCL_INCMPLT_PRDCRS, and may be reversed. For more information, see Configuration Options.


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