Advanced Producer Search
Use the Advanced Producer Search page to search for the records of individual or firm producers grouped by last name or firm name, an active or inactive business unit, an external system ID, or other criteria. For each record returned by the search, Search Results display the following information:
Producer status
Date of the record's most recent automated data reconciliation
Initiated Date of the producer's most recent Producer Express request
Indicator of whether the record currently lacks required information
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To open the Advanced Producer Search page, choose one of the following methods:
The Advanced Producer Search page contains the following sections:
Search Fields
Use the Search Fields to enter search criteria for one or multiple producer records, either individual or firm. At least one search criterion is required.
Fields and controls include the following:
Producer Type: From the dropdown menu, select Individual Licensee to initiate a search for an individual producer record. The page will refresh to display unique individual producer Search Fields. Or, select Firm to initiate a search for a firm producer record. The page will refresh to display unique firm producer Search Fields.
Last Name: Individual producers only. To search for producers grouped by last name, enter a search string on individual producer last name. You may use as few as two characters in your search string. Wildcard characters not allowed. May not contain numeric characters or double quotation marks (").
Firm Name: Firm producers only. To search for producers grouped by firm name, enter a search string on firm name. You may use as few as two characters in your search string. May contain numeric characters. Wildcard characters not allowed. May not contain double quotation marks (").
SSN: Individual producers only. To search for producers grouped by Social Security Number, enter an entire SSN string. Partial searches not allowed. Maximum 9 characters without separating hyphens or 11 characters with two separating hyphens.
EIN: Firm producers only. To search for producers grouped by Federal Employer Identification Number, enter an entire FEIN string. Partial searches not allowed. Maximum 9 characters without a separating hyphen or 10 characters with a separating hyphen.
[PreferredExternalSystemType]ID: To search for producers grouped by external system ID, enter the entire string value of a producer ID code in your company's preferred external system, including leading zeroes, either active or inactive. Partial searches not allowed. Maximum 50 characters.
Business Units: To search for producers grouped by business unit, click to select the short names of one or multiple business units, either active or inactive. Press the CTRL key and click to select multiples.
Search Results
Displays the results of a search.
Fields and controls include the following:
Producer: For each producer record listed, displays a producer name as a blue hyperlink. Click a desired producer hyperlink to open the producer's record in the Review/Update Producer page.
SSN: Individual producers only. For each producer record listed, displays a producer's Social Security Number as an orange hyperlink. Click a desired SSN hyperlink to rerun the search to display in the Search Results only producers with the selected Social Security Number.
EIN: Firm producers only. For each producer record listed, displays a producer's Federal Employer Identification Number as an orange hyperlink. Click a desired EIN hyperlink to rerun the search to display in the Search Results only producers with the selected Federal Employer Identification Number.
Ext. ID: For each producer record listed, displays a producer's ID code in your company's preferred external system as an orange hyperlink. Click a desired Ext. ID hyperlink to rerun the search to display in the Search Results only producers with the selected external system ID. Available only if an ID code for your company's preferred external system is recorded for a listed producer.
BU: For each producer record listed, displays as an orange hyperlink the short names of the business units, active or inactive, with which a producer is associated. Click the node (
) to expand the field to display all business units. Click the node (
) to collapse the information. Click a desired BU hyperlink to rerun the search to display in the Search Results only producers associated with the selected business unit. Available only if at least one business unit is recorded for a listed producer.
Status: For each producer record listed, displays a producer's record status, either Pending, Active, or Inactive. For more information, see Details.
Latest Reconciliation: For each producer record listed, displays as an orange hyperlink the date on which the system most recently performed an automated data reconciliation on the record, to refresh it against regulatory data. Includes either manual or system-initiated automated data reconciliations. Indicates Processed (
) if the automated data reconciliation is successfully completed; In Progress (
) if it is still on-going, or Error (
) if it contains a processing message to review. Click a desired Latest Reconciliation date hyperlink to open the Data Reconciliation Details page to review information about the selected automated data reconciliation operation. Does not display if an automated data reconciliation has never been performed on the producer record.
Latest PX Txn.: Available only for Producer Express customers. For each producer record listed, displays as a blue hyperlink the date on which the most recent Producer Express onboarding or maintenance transaction request was initiated on a producer's behalf. Indicates Processed (
) if the Producer Express request has processed successfully; In Progress (
) if it is in Pending or Open status; Error (
) if it has been routed to the Producer Express Error Queue, or Closed (
) if it has been manually stopped. Click a desired Latest PX Txn. date hyperlink to open the Producer Express request record for a selected producer. Does not display if a Producer Express onboarding or maintenance transaction request never has been initiated on the producer's behalf. (For more information, please review the Producer Express online help.)
Missing Info: For each producer record listed, displays whether or not the record currently is deficient of required information (i.e., data fields that have been configured in your company's instance of Producer Manager to be required before compliance transactions, such as appointments, can be requested). The presence of the Missing Information symbol (
) indicates that a producer record currently is missing required information; an absence of such as symbol indicates that the record currently contains all required information. (For more information, see Configuration Options.)
Page Controls
Fields and controls include the following:
Search: Click to execute the search based on the entered search criteria. All records meeting your search criteria will display in the Search Results section.
Sort By: Offers controls to re-sort records displaying in the Search Results section based on the following fields:
Name: Click to sort records in alphabetic order (A-Z) by the value of the Last Name field for individual producer records or Firm Name field for firm records; click again to re-sort records in reverse alphabetic order (Z-A).
SSN: Individual producers only. Click to sort records in ascending order by the value of the SSN field; click again to re-sort records in descending order.
EIN: Firm producers only. Click to sort records in ascending order by the value of the EIN field; click again to re-sort records in descending order.
[PreferredExternalSystemType]ID: Click to sort records in ascending order by the value of the [PreferredExternalSystemType]ID field; click again to re-sort records in descending order.
[x]results found, displaying[v]to[w]: Displays the total number of records that met the search criteria and the range in numbers of records currently displaying in the Search Results section. (Maximum 20 per page.)
First/Prev: Click First to open the first page of results; click Prev to open the preceding page of results.
1, 2, 3, ...: Click a numeral to open a specific numbered page of results.
Next/Last: Click Next to open the succeeding page of results; click Last to open the last page of results.
Note: The variable in the label of the [PreferredExternalSystemType]ID field in the Search Fields section and the [PreferredExternalSystemType] option in the Sort By field displays the name of the system external to Producer Manager that your company has chosen as the "preferred" system. To make this work, your company's preferred external system type first must be configured in the Code field of the INTRFC_TYPE_CDCode Group on the Maintain Codes page. Then the value of the Code field for the preferred external system type must be Vertafore-configured in the PREF_INDV_INTRFC_TYPE_CD and PREF_ORG_INTRFC_TYPE_CD business rules. For more information, see Configuration Options.
Note: If the Advanced Producer Search security permission is not enabled in the security role to which your user account is assigned, values in the SSN, EIN, Ext. ID, and BU fields will be display-only, not blue hyperlinks. For more information, see Maintain Security Role.
Note: If your user account does not have at least one role with the Show Unmasked Social Security Numbers (SSNs) permission enabled, you will not be able to sort or filter results by SSN. For more information, see Maintain Security Role.
Note: Press the Esc key on your keyboard to abort a search while it is running.
Note: After you execute a search, if no record matched the entered search criteria, the system will return the following message in the Search Fields: "Nothing found to display."
Note: After you execute a search, the system returns an error message at the top of the page when one or more entered search criteria is invalid. Re-enter valid search criteria.
Note: The state codes of up to two of a producer's resident states display in parentheses following the producer's name in the Producer field in the Search Results section. Additional resident states are represented by a "+" symbol.
You also may press the Enter key on your keyboard to execute a search, rather than clicking the Search button.
Because the system searches for records containing all – not just any – of the search criteria you enter, the more search criteria you enter, the greater the chance that the system won‘t find the record you are looking for. Thus, if you enter valid search criteria in every field except one, the system won‘t retrieve the record.