CE Deficiency Inquiry
Use the CE Deficiency Inquiry page to assemble a list of producers who are nearing the end of their resident license review period in select regulatory jurisdictions, but who have not yet fulfilled their CE requirements.
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To open the CE Deficiency Inquiry page, from the Inquiries menu select Producer Management, and then select CE Deficiency Inquiry.
The CE Deficiency Inquiry page contains the following sections:
Report Criteria
Set the search criteria for the report.
Fields and controls include the following:
Active Licenses Expiring In: From the dropdown menu, select a value representing a number of days after the current date -- 30, 60, 90, or 120 days. Your selection establishes a date range that begins with the current date and ends with the date calculated from your selection. The system will search for producers whose resident licenses as recorded in Producer Manager have an Expiration Date that is within this date range. For more information, see Licenses/Qualifications.
States: Click to select the names of one or multiple states to filter the report to include producers whose resident licenses are expiring in only the selected state(s). Press the CTRL key and click to select multiples. Or, make no selections to include in the report producers with expiring resident licenses in all states.
Business Units: Click to select the names of one or multiple business units to filter the report to include producers with expiring resident licenses who are associated with only the selected business unit(s). Press the CTRL key and click to select multiples. Or, make no selections to ignore business unit as a criterion in the report; output will include all producers regardless of their assigned business unit.
Report Results
Displays a table listing all producers whose continuing education requirements are deficient based on the search parameters set in the Criteria section.
Click an underscored column heading to re-sort the table by the selected information category. Click a column heading once to sort the table in ascending order by that category, and click it again to re-sort the table in descending order by that category.
Fields and controls include the following:
Producer: For each producer listed, displays a producer name as a blue hyperlink. Click a desired producer hyperlink to open the record in the Review/Update Producer page.
SSN: Individual producers only. For each producer listed, displays a producer's Social Security Number as a blue hyperlink. Click a desired SSN hyperlink to display in the Search Results of the Advanced Producer Search page producers with the selected Social Security Number.
EIN: Firm producers only. For each producer listed, displays a producer's Federal Employer Identification Number as a blue hyperlink. Click a desired EIN hyperlink to display in the Search Results of the Advanced Producer Search page producers with the selected Federal Employer Identification Number.
Ext. ID: For each producer listed, displays a producer's ID code in your company's preferred external system as a blue hyperlink. Click a desired Ext. ID hyperlink to rerun the search to display in the Search Results of the Advanced Producer Search page producers with the selected external system ID. Available only if an ID code for your company's preferred external system is recorded for a listed producer.
BU: For each producer listed, displays as a blue hyperlink the short names of the business units, active or inactive, with which a producer is associated. Click the node (
) to expand the field to display all business units. Click the node (
) to collapse the information. Click a desired BU hyperlink to rerun the search to display in the Search Results of the Advanced Producer Search page producers associated with the selected business unit. Available only if at least one business unit is recorded for a listed producer.
License State: For each producer listed, displays the producer's resident license state.
License Number: For each producer listed, displays the producer's resident license number.
License Expiration Date: For each producer listed, displays the date on which the producer's resident license expires.
Contact Info: For each producer listed, displays the producer's business location address and phone number.
CE Requirement: For each producer listed, displays the category or grouping of the CE courses that the producer is required to complete.
CE Status: For each producer listed, displays the current status of the producer's progress toward meeting the CE Requirement.
Required Hours: For each producer listed, displays the total number of course credit hours the producer must complete to meet the CE Requirement.
Applied Hours: For each producer listed, displays the total number of course credit hours has completed toward meeting the CE Requirement.
Actions: For each producer listed, offers the following controls:
View CE Transcript Report (
): Click to open the Continuing Education Transcript report in a separate window, where you can view details about the CE Requirements in the License State, the producer's specific CE Requirements in the License State, and coursework applied to the producer's CE Requirements in the License State.
Page Controls
Fields and controls include the following:
Search: After setting report parameters in the Criteria section, click to run the report. The results will display in the Search Results section.
Download Report: Click to export the report results to a CSV (comma separated values) formatted file, openable in a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel.
Cancel: Click to exit the page and open the Producer Manager Home page.
Note: The CE Deficiency Inquiry reports producer continuing education information for selected states, not all states.
Note: The Vertafore-maintained source of CE data from which the inquiry retrieves results is updated once per week, so inquiry results are not real-time.
Note: Continuing education data retrieved by the inquiry is not populated in the CE Courses or CE Requirements data sections of producer records in Producer Manager. Therefore it cannot be obtained by other systems through integration services (such as the Outbound Data Feed or Producer Data Web Service). Data is accessible online only from the Report Results section of the CE Deficiency Inquiry page or from the Continuing Education Transcript report. (You may export the results of the CE Deficiency Inquiry to a spreadsheet by clicking the Download Report button.)
Note: In the Search Results section, the values of the CE Requirement, CE Status, Required Hours, and Applied Hours fields are retrieved through integration with participating state regulatory systems. It is not necessary to configure new codes in the CE_RQMT_TYPE_CD (CE Requirement) or CE_RQMT_STS_CD (CE Status) code groups on the Maintain Codes page.
Note: Unless the Advanced Producer Search permission is enabled for the security role to which your user account is assigned, fields in the Report Results section will display as read-only and not as hyperlinks to the Advanced Producer Search page. For more information, see Maintain Security Role.
Note: If your user account does not have at least one role with the Show Unmasked Social Security Numbers (SSNs) permission enabled, the SSN field in the Search Results section will display as read-only and not as a hyperlink to the Advanced Producer Search page. For more information, see Maintain Security Role.
The CSV-formatted output of the CE Deficiency Inquiry contains more detailed information for each producer than the output that displays in the Report Results section of the page itself, including more resident license details, email address (if stored on the producer record), and a calculation of remaining course hours until a CE requirement is met. By default, data is sorted first by license Expiration Date, then by License State, and then by Producer Name.