Quick Add Producer

You can manually add a new producer record to Producer Manager and populate it by hand with address, license, and other key information. But Sircon Producer Manager offers a much faster, easier method to add a producer record that can save vast amounts of time and safeguard against data entry errors.

Use the Quick Add Producer page to add a single, new producer record to the system and automatically populate it with current license, license line, company appointment, address, and name alias information, obtained from state insurance departments by way of the national Producer Database (PDB).

Quick Add Producer is a multi-step procedure. First, you must enter basic information about the individual or firm producer you want to add to the system. Then you may select procedural options and run the operation.

ClosedView screen capture of producer information

ClosedView screen capture of Quick Add options

To open the Quick Add Producer page, choose one of the following methods:

  • In the Task Links section of the Producer Manager Home page, click the Quick Add Producer link

  • From the Licensing menu, select Producer, and then select Quick Add Producer.

The Quick Add Producer page contains the following sections:

ClosedProducer Information

Offers data entry fields you can use to identify the individual or firm entity whose record you want to add to Producer Manager. The system will use the credentials you enter to look up the individual or firm on the national Producer Database (PDB).

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Producer Type: Click to select the Firm radio button to create an agency producer record from PDB data or the Individual Licensee radio button to create an individual producer record from PDB data.

  • Name: Available only if you selected the Firm radio button in theProducer Typefield. Enter the name of the firm producer you want to add. Minimum 2 characters.

  • Last Name: Required.Available only if you selected the Individual Licensee radio button in theProducer Typefield. Enter the last name of the individual producer you want to add. Minimum 2 characters.

  • EIN: Required. Available only if you selected the Firm radio button in theProducer Typefield. Enter the taxpayer ID number of the firm producer you want to add. Maximum 9 numeric characters.

  • SSN: May be required based on configuration; see "Notes," below.Available only if you selected the Individual Licensee radio button in theProducer Typefield. Enter the taxpayer ID number of the individual producer you want to add. Maximum 9 numeric characters.

  • NPN: May be required based on configuration; see "Notes," below.Available only if you selected the Individual Licensee radio button in theProducer Typefield. Enter the National Producer Number of the individual producer you want to add. Maximum 10 numeric characters.

  • Load data from PDB: Click to checkmark the checkbox to trigger the system to retrieve information from the national Producer Database (PDB) in order to add a new producer record. Click to uncheckmark to open the Add Individual or Add Firm page, where you can manually enter information in a new producer record.

  • Search: Click to search the PDB for the firm or individual producer identified in the input fields in the Producer Information section. Names of producers with data in the PDB and that do not already have records in Producer Manager will display in the PDB Confirmation field of the Quick Add options section.

  • Cancel: Click to abort the process and open the Producer Manager Home Page.

ClosedQuick Add Options

Once the selected individual or firm has been looked up and confirmed on the national Producer Database (PDB), you may add the individual's or firm's record to Producer Manager. The system will obtain the individual's or firm's PDB report and then populate the new record with up-to-date state compliance data, including demographics, aliases, contact information, licenses and qualifications, and appointments.

  • PDB Confirmation: If the system identified one or more producer records on the PDB that matched the information you entered in the Producer Information section, the following message will display: "[n] PDB entry was found," where [n] represents the number of matches (rarely more than one).

Below the message, a table displays containing summary information about each of the matched producer(s). Fields and controls include the following:

  • : Click to select the radio button corresponding to the producer whose information you want to obtain from the PDB and then populate a new record in Producer Manager. If the system retrieved only one producer record, its corresponding radio button will be selected by default.

  • Name: For each producer, displays the producer's name information as retrieved from the PDB.

  • Birth Date: Individual producers only. For each producer, displays the producer's date of birth as retrieved from the PDB.

  • Resident State: For each producer, displays the producer's residence state or states as retrieved from the PDB.

  • Last Updated: For each producer, displays the date on which the producer's information on the PDB last was updated.

  • State: Click to select the name of a state whose information on the PDB you want to load to the new producer's record. Press the CTRL key and click to select multiples. If you do not click to highlight any states, data from all states will be added to the new record.

  • Cost Center: From the dropdown menu, select the name of a cost center to which to allocate the cost of the Quick Add Producer operation. Or, select <No Cost Center> to leave the fee unallocated to a cost center.

ClosedPage Controls

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Add Producer from PDB: Click to execute the Quick Add Producer operation, based on options selected in the Quick Add Options section, and open the Data Reconciliation Details page, where you can view the progress of the Quick Add Producer operation.

  • create this individual manually: Available only when adding an individual producer record. Click to open the Add Individual page, where you can add an individual producer record by hand instead of through automated processing.

  • create this firm manually: Available only when adding a firm producer record. Click to open the Add Firm page, where you can add a firm producer record by hand instead of through automated processing.



Note: By default, the system will add data from the producer's resident state(s) automatically.

Note: When looking up a firm producer on the PDB, the system requires a match only on the value of the EIN field. As long as the Name field contains at least two (2) alphanumeric characters, the system ignores the value of the Name field. When looking up an individual producer, the system requires a match on the value of the SSN, NPN, or both fields and the first two (2) letters of the producer's Last Name. (Use of SSN, NPN, either, or both as unique individual producer record identifiers is Vertafore-configurable based on your company's business requirements. For more information, see Configuration Options or contact your Vertafore representative.)

Note: By default, Quick Add Producer adds only active licenses, qualifications, or appointment data to a new producer record. However, Quick Add Producer can be Vertafore-configured to load active or inactive license, qualification, and appointment data (using the dr.addingProducer.loadInactiveData business rule). For more information, see Configuration Options, Maintain Quick Sync Profiles, or contact your Vertafore representative.

Note: When the system has been configured for all customers to ignore the data from a specific state during an automated data reconciliation, the Quick Add Producer page will display the following message: “Limited Reconciliation Services - Reconciliation of all producer data has been temporarily disabled in the following states: [StateName]. All other states will continue to be reconciled according to your system settings. Please contact Vertafore client services with any questions.” Typically this configuration is set only while a particular state is undergoing a regulatory database migration or a code conversion. During this period of time, the configuration prevents invalid or outdated state data from corrupting customers’ producer data in Producer Manager. Once the integrity of an excluded state’s data has been verified, Vertafore will reset the configuration to restore automated data reconciliation services with the state.

Note: If a producer you are trying to add already exists in Producer Manager, the following message displays: "[ProducerName] exists in Producer Manager. NEXT Review this producer OR Quick Sync this producer with PDB data." Click the Review this producer link to open the producer's record in the Review/Update Producer page. Or, click the Quick Sync link open the Quick Sync Producer page, where you can update the producer's record with the latest state information available on the PDB or other external sources.

Note: A new producer record added using Quick Add Producer will not include appointment information from any appointing companies that do not currently exist in Producer Manager or that do exist but whose records do not contain authorized lines information (a.k.a., state appointment details). If you are not certain Producer Manager contains required appointing company records with authorized lines information, do not use Quick Add Producer. Instead, contact your Vertafore representative for assistance.

Note: Only cost centers that have been configured for use in your user account are available from the Cost Center dropdown menu. For more information, see Maintain Staff Member Cost Center.

Note: Your company may incur a per-use transaction fee or other fee for the use of Quick Add Producer or any automated data reconciliation utility. For more information, contact your Vertafore representative.


You can add multiple, new producer records from PDB data, all at once. For more information, see Quick Load Producers.

If the system could not find a producer record on the PDB that matched the criteria you entered in the Producer Information section, the following message will display: "No PDB entries found." Note that on occasion the PDB is delayed in receiving the record of a newly licensed producer from the producer's resident state. You may attempt later to add the producer record using Quick Add Producer, or you may click the create this individual manually or create this firm manually link to open the Add Individual or Add Firm page, where you can manually enter minimal information in a new producer record and then use Quick Sync Producer or Scheduled Syncs to update the "shell" producer record with verified state data from the PDB.


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