Maintain Companies

An agreement must include at least one appointing company. Use the Maintain Companies page to add, update, or delete the writing company that is party to an agreement.

ClosedView screen capture

To open the Maintain Companies page, from the Licensing menu select Agreements, and then select Review/Update Agreement. Perform an agreement search to open a selected producer's agreements in the Review/Update Agreement page, and then in the Companies section, click the Add/Update/Delete Companies link.

The Maintain Companies page consists of the following sections:

ClosedRecord Summary

Displays summary information about the selected individual or firm producer's agreement.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Search Agreement: Click the link to start a new search for a producer agreement. For more information, see Search Agreement.

  • [Producer Name]: Displays the name of the individual or firm producer whose agreement currently is selected. An icon to the left of the producer name signifies the producer's entity type, either individual () or firm ().

  • SSN: Individual producers only. Displays an individual producer's Social Security Number. The Social Security Number can be set per security role to mask the first five digits and display only the last four digits. For more information, see Maintain Security Role.

  • EIN: Firm producers only. Displays a firm producer's Federal Employer Identification Number.

  • External System ID: Displays the producer's identifier code in the external system that has been Vertafore-configured as your company's "preferred" system. For more information, see External System IDs, Configuration Options, and Advanced Producer Search.

  • NPN: Displays a producer's unique National Producer Number, assigned by the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).

  • Status: Displays the agreement's status, either Active or Inactive.

  • Type: Displays the agreement type.

  • Company: Displays the name of the appointing company that is party to the agreement.

ClosedCurrent Companies

Displays a table listing the appointing companies that are party to the agreement.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Add New Company: Click to activate the edit fields in the Add/Update Company section, allowing you to add an appointing company to the selected agreement.

  • Delete checkbox: For each company displaying in the table, click to checkmark the checkbox to select it for deleting from the selected agreement.

  • Delete button: Click to delete all selected companies from the selected agreement.

  • Company: For each company displaying in the table, displays its name.

  • Status: For each company displaying in the table, displays its current status on the agreement.

  • Begin Date: For each company displaying in the table, displays the date on which it became an active party to the agreement.

  • End Date: For each company displaying in the table, displays the date on which it became inactive on the agreement.

  • Edit: For each company displaying in the table, click to transfer its corresponding information to the Add/Update Company section, where you can update the information.

ClosedAdd/Update Company

Offers edit fields in which you can add or update the information about a selected company that is party to the agreement.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Clear: Click to clear all information currently in the data entry fields.

  • Company: Required. From the dropdown menu, select the name of a company to record as a party to the agreement.

  • Status: From the dropdown menu, select the status of the company on the agreement, either Active or Inactive. If you select Inactive, you must enter a value in the End Date field.

  • Begin Date: Required. Enter the date on which the company became an active party to the agreement. Use the mmddyyyy date format. Or, click the Calendar button () to open a popup calendar from which you can click to select a date.

  • End Date: Required if Status is Inactive. Enter the date on which the company became inactive on the agreement. Use the mmddyyyy date format. Or, click the Calendar button () to open a popup calendar from which you can click to select a date. Must be on or after the Begin Date.

ClosedPage Controls

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Save: Click to validate and save changes made on the current page and refresh the page to allow additional updates to the same selected agreement.
  • Return: Click to exit without saving changes.


Note: The values on the Company dropdown menu in the Add/Update Company section are derived from the appointing company information stored in Producer Manager. For more information, see Companies.


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