Education Credentials
Available on individual producer records only.
An active education credential is a visual or systemic signal that a producer currently fulfills the basic requirements necessary to be eligible to represent a particular line of business in a given state.
Use the Education Credentials data section of a producer record to review information about a producer's current and past education credentials. The Education Credentials data section displays information only; it updates automatically based on a producer's license status or completion of specific education or training coursework.
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To review a producer's Education Credentials, click the Education Credentials link in the Quick Links box of a producer record that is open in the Review/Update Producer page.
The Education Credentials data section includes the following sub-sections:
Active Credentials
Contains a table displaying producer's currently active education credentials.
Fields and controls include the following:
: Click the node to expand the subsection and display the status period history of an active credential. Click the node (
) again to collapse the subsection and hide the history.
Regulatory Body: For each credential listed, displays the name of the regulatory or oversight entity to which the credential applies. The range of values is configured by a user with administrative permissions on the Add Credential page.
Credential Name: For each credential listed, displays its name. The name is configured by a user with administrative permissions on the Add Credential page.
Status: For each status period of each credential listed, displays the selected producer's status with regard to the education credential. The value is updated automatically based on the ongoing status of the producer's applicable state license and qualifications (LOAs) and the producer's continuing fulfillment of a credential program, consisting of product-specific training coursework. Values include the following:
Active: The producer's licensure and coursework currently support the education credential
Inactive: The producer's licensure makes the producer eligible for the education credential, but the producer has not fulfilled the supporting coursework
N/A: The producer is no longer eligible for the education credential, because he or she no longer holds the necessary licensure, the supporting coursework is no longer valid, or both
Start Date: For each credential listed, displays the first date of the period during which the associated Status was effective.
End Date: For each credential listed, displays the last date of the period during which the associated Status was effective. An education credential with a Status of Active will not display a value.
Inactive Credentials
Displays a producer's inactive or lapsed education credentials.
Fields and controls include the following:
: Click the node to expand the subsection and display the status period history of an inactive credential. Click the node (
) again to collapse the subsection and hide the history.
Regulatory Body: For each credential listed, displays the name of the regulatory entity (state or district) to which the credential applies. The state is configured by a user with administrative permissions on the Add Credential page.
Credential Name: For each credential listed, displays its name. The name is configured by a user with administrative permissions on the Add Credential page.
Status: For each status period of each credential listed, displays the selected producer's status with regard to the education credential. The value is updated automatically based on the ongoing status of the producer's applicable state license and qualifications (LOAs) and the producer's continuing fulfillment of the requirements of the applicable credential program, consisting of product-specific training coursework. Values include the following:
Active: The producer's licensure and fulfillment of the requirements of the applicable credential program support the education credential
Inactive: The producer's licensure makes the producer eligible for the education credential, but the producer has not fulfilled the requirements of the supporting credential program
N/A: The producer is not eligible for the education credential, because he or she does not hold the necessary licensure, has not fulfilled the requirements of the supporting credential program, or both
Start Date: For each credential listed, displays the first date of the period during which the associated Status was effective.
End Date: For each credential listed, displays the last date of the period during which the associated Status was effective.
Note: The system automatically calculates and inserts the values of the Status, Start Date, and End Date fields, based on events concerning a producer's licenses or course completions.
Note: Most states require a producer to hold an appointment by the carrier that is underwriting a policy or issuing a product that the producer is soliciting or selling. A producer's active education credential together with an active appointment (where required) can be interpreted to mean that the producer is fully carrier-authorized to sell a product line in a particular state.