All Actions

The following actions are available from the Customer Center sidebar. Items marked with an asterisk (*) below are available only after you have selected and opened a customer record.




Add a new activity to the customer record on the Activity/Suspense data entry form. Activities are a permanent record of actions taken for a customer. More...



Generate a check for the customer on the Check data entry form. More...



Enter a new customer claim on the Claims data entry form. More...


Copy Policy

Opens the Copy Policy/Submission form where you can copy a policy/submission from the same customer or another customer to create a new policy/submission.



Opens the Customer data entry form where you can modify customer information. More...


Form Letters*

Merge customer, policy, and claims data in your AMS360 database with Microsoft Word©. Create customized letters for corresponding with companies, customers, lienholders, mortgagees, and others. More...


Journal Entry*

Open the Journal Entry form to enter pre-defined journal entries to the customer receivables. More...



Use Notes to enter additional customer information. Notes can be modified or deleted.  More...



Enter basic policy information or create a policy from a submission on the Create New Policy data entry form. More...



Record a payment from a customer on the Receipt data entry form. More...



Create personalized proposals or scheduled for companies, customers, prospects, and others. The Schedules/Proposals form enables you to merge policy and coverage information from AMS360 into a customized Microsoft Word© document. More...



Opens the Submission Group data entry form where you can create or copy a submission. More...



Enter a new suspense item on the Activity/Suspense data entry form. Suspense items are tasks that have been logged for follow-up.  More...


Target List

Create a target list to identify customers, prospects, or suspects in your agency's database that meet selected criteria. The list can be used to determine workload, send a letter, or cross-sell products. More...

Certificate Holder



Export certificate holders or other policy data for your insured to review. More...



Import certificate holders into the customer account or other policy data into new or existing policies. More...



Add, edit, or delete common certificate holders for use when creating certificates for the customer. More...

Integration Partners



Opens the TransactNOW form to retrieve billing, claims and policy information directly from participating carrier web sites.


PL Rating

Launches PL Rating program to obtain competitive quotes using the policy information selected. More...


Prevail Network

Opens the Prevail Network form. This program  enables you to directly finance your premiums with real- time access to your customers' premium finance contracts and more. More...


Doc Vendor

Opens the Doc360 third-party integration partner's opening page.

This action appears only if you have a third-party integration partner set up in Doc360 Setup.

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