Abort Appointment Request

Use the Abort Appointment Request page to cancel the submission of a future-dated, electronic producer appointment or appointment termination request. You may also cancel a request that is pending a background investigation result or is delayed in electronic submission because of connectivity issues.

The Abort Appointment Request function uses a two-page, "wizard" procedure, whereupon on the first page you review a list of appointment or termination requests eligible to be canceled and select one, and then confirm the cancellation on the second page.

ClosedView screen capture of transaction selection

ClosedView screen capture of selected transaction cancellation

To open the Abort Appointment Request page, from the Licensing menu, select Appointments, and then select Abort Appointment Request.

The Abort Appointment Request page contains the following sections:

ClosedTransaction Requests

Displays a table listing all appointment or termination requests that are eligible to be canceled. If the system contains no eligible transactions, the following message displays: "There are no appointment requests available to be aborted."

Fields and controls include the following:

  • : Click to select the radio button that corresponds to an appointment or termination request that you want to cancel.

  • Submit Date: For each transaction listed, displays the date on which the transaction was submitted to Producer Manager, through Producer Manager, Producer Express, or a web service.

  • Effective Date: For each transaction listed, displays the date on which the transaction was requested to become effective.

  • Requested Action: For each transaction listed, displays the transaction type of the request, either Appointment or Termination.

  • State: For each transaction listed, displays the jurisdiction to which the transaction is to be electronically submitted.

  • Producer Name: For each transaction listed, displays the name of the firm or individual licensee for which the transaction was submitted.

  • SSN/EIN: For each transaction listed, displays the taxpayer identification number of the producer for which the transaction was submitted.

  • Company: For each transaction listed, displays the name of the writing company requesting the producer appointment or appointment termination.

  • Appointment Type: For each transaction listed, displays the type of appointment being requested or requested for termination.

  • BI Rltd: Displays a checkmark if an appointment request was tied to a pending background investigation request.

  • Resident County: If the transaction request was to a state that also requires county appointments, and the producer is a resident of that state, displays the producer's county of residence.

  • Counties: If the transaction request was to a state that also requires county appointments, displays the county(ies) to which the request was submitted.

  • Termination Reason: If an appointment termination request was submitted through Producer Manager, select from the dropdown menu the state-specific termination reason (defaults to Entered in Error).

ClosedPage Controls

Fields and controls include the following:

  • First: Click to navigate to the first page of the table list.

  • Prev: Click to navigate to the previous page of the table list.

  • Next: Click to navigate to the next page of the table list.

  • Last: Click to navigate to the last page of the table list.

  • Next: With the radio button selected corresponding to the pending transaction you want to abort, click to refresh the page to confirm your selection.

  • Previous: Click to refresh the page to display all transaction requests eligible to be aborted.

  • Confirm: With a selected transaction request confirmed, click to abort the request. The page will refresh with the aborted requested no longer displaying.

  • Cancel: Click to cancel the operation and open the Producer Manager Home page.


Note: You may cancel any appointment or termination request (including future-dated) that the system has not yet passed to the Vertafore PLM transaction engine (Compliance Express) for subsequent submission either to the NIPR Gateway or a Sircon State database. An appointment request eligible for cancellation will bear a status in the Appointments data section of "Active-Pending Submission;" a termination request eligible for cancellation will bear a status in the Appointments data section of "Inactive-Pending Submission."

Note: You may cancel an appointment or termination request only for a producer who is associated with a business unit that has been configured for use in your user account. For more information, see Maintain Staff Member Business Unit.

Note: An aborted appointment request will update related appointment information in the Appointments data section of an affected producer record. The appointment will bear a Status of Inactive with a Term Date identical to the Effective Date of the aborted appointment request. The termination is record-only and is not submitted to the appointment state. Note that the operation may also affect the producer Status field and related data in the Details data section.

Note: An aborted termination request will update related appointment information in the Appointments data section of an affected producer record. The appointment will bear a Status of Active, and the values of the Term Date and Term Reason fields will be cleared. Note that the operation may also affect the producer Status field and related data in the Details data section.


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