Appointment Request Status Inquiry
Use the Appointment Request Status Inquiry page
to check the status of appointment
or appointment
termination requests in all, one, or multiple states.
If desired, filter by request status, state, submitting
staff member, business
unit, or external
system identifier. If
you elect to report appointment requests with multiple statuses, the report
conveniently groups the output by request status (e.g., see all approved
requests, then all denied requests, etc.)
View screen capture of report criteria
View screen capture of report results
in HTML view
View screen capture of report results
in spreadsheet view
To open the Appointment
Request Status Inquiry page, from the Inquiries
menu select Appointment,
and then select Appointment Request
Status Inquiry.
The Appointment
Request Status Inquiry page contains the following sections:
Enter report criteria about the appointment
or termination requests you want to report.
Fields and controls include the following:
- Appointment
Request Submitted or Recorded Between: Required.
Enter a date range during which appointments or terminations were
submitted or recorded for reported producers. Enter the following:
- Begin
Date: Enter the first date of a date range in which to
search for the value of the Submit
Date field in producer appointments
information. Use the mmddyyyy
date format. Or, click the Calendar
button (
) to open a popup calendar from which
you can click to select a date.
- End
Date: Enter the last date of a date range in which to search
for the value of the Submit Date
field in producer appointments
information. Use the mmddyyyy
date format. Or, click the Calendar
button (
) to open a popup calendar from which
you can click to select a date.
- External
System ID: To filter the report results to
include requests for producers with a specific external
system ID, enter the external system ID.
- Active
External System IDs Only: Click to checkmark the checkbox
to filter the report results to exclude requests for producers
whose external
system ID (as expressed in the External
System ID field, above) is inactive.
- Include
Record Only Appointments: By default, the report results
will include only appointment or termination requests submitted
electronically to appointment states through PLM Producer Manager
or Producer Express. Click to checkmark the checkbox to also include
appointments and terminations that were manually recorded on producer
records and not submitted to states.
- Request
Statuses: To report requests without regard to processing
status, make no selection from the box. Or, to filter the report
results to include only requests with specific processing statuses,
click to select one or multiple processing statuses in the box.
To select multiples, press the CTRL key on your keyboard while
clicking; click again while pressing the CTRL key to de-select.
- State:
To report requests without regard to appointment state, make no
selection from the box. Or, to filter the report results to include
only requests submitted to or recorded for a specific appointment
state, click to select one or multiple state names in the box.
To select multiples, press the CTRL key on your keyboard while
clicking; click again while pressing the CTRL key to de-select.
- Submitting
Staff Member: To report requests without regard to
the staff member who submitted or recorded the appointments or
terminations, make no selection from the box. Or, to filter the
report results to include only requests submitted or recorded
by a specific staff member, click to select one or multiple staff
member names in the box. To select multiples, press the CTRL key
on your keyboard while clicking; click again while pressing the
CTRL key to de-select.
- Business
Unit: To report requests without regard to reported producers'
unit criteria, make no selection from the box. Or, to filter
the report results to include only requests concerning reported
producers assigned to one or multiple business units, click to
select one or multiple business unit short names in the box. To
select multiples, press the CTRL key on your keyboard while clicking;
click again while pressing the CTRL key to de-select.
- Spreadsheet
View: Click to checkmark the checkbox to output the report
results in a tabular spreadsheet format. To generate the report
in a spreadsheet format, click the Submit
Offline button and then click the Excel
Format button (
associated with the inquiry on the Recent
Reports page to view the spreadsheet.
Report Results
Displays producer appointment or termination
request information stored in your company's instance of Producer
Manager that met the report criteria. Results may be narrowed by selected
filter criteria.
The header of the report results window
displays a summary of the selected report criteria.
If viewed in HTML format, report results
are grouped by state and sorted alphabetically by producer name. If
viewed in spreadsheet format, results are sorted first by state and
then by producer name.
Results include the following data fields:
- State:
For each request listed that met the report criteria, displays
the name and the two-letter code for the appointment
state selected in the report criteria.
- Status:
CalledAppointment Request Statusin
HTML format. For each request listed that met the report
criteria, displays its result (e.g., Approved (processed and approved
by the state); Denied (processed and rejected by the state); Submitted
to SIRCON (pending state processing), or Error (request encountered
a process error ).
- Producer/Licensee
Name: For each request listed that met the report criteria,
displays the producer's name information: last name, first name,
and middle name for individuals or firm name for firms. (For more
information, see Details.)
For each request listed that met the report criteria, displays
the producer's taxpayer identification information: Social Security
Number for individuals or Federal Employer Identification Number
for firms. (For more information, see Details.)
- BU: For
each request listed that met the report criteria, displays the
short name(s) of the business
units to which the producer is actively assigned (sorted alphabetically).
- External
System ID: For each request listed that met the report
criteria, displays the producer's external system IDs.
- Request
Type: For each request listed that met the report criteria,
displays the processing interface or method (e.g., PIN (request
sent to state through the NIPR Gateway); Sfs (request sent directly
to a "Sircon State"), or Paper (a record-only transaction),
- Requested
Action: For each request listed that met the report criteria,
displays the submitted transaction type, either Appointment or
- BI
Processing Status: For each request listed that met the
report criteria, displays the status of a background investigation
request that is related to the transaction request (i.e., the
actual request, not the result).
- Company:
For each request listed that met the report criteria, displays
the name of the appointing company.
- State
Appointment: For each request listed that met the report
criteria, displays the appointment type.
- Requested
Effective Date: For each request listed that met the report
criteria, displays date on which the appointment or termination
was requested to become effective.
- Actual
Effective Date: For each request listed that met the report
criteria, displays the date on which a requested appointment or
termination became or would become effective, based on Vertafore-configured
state backdating or system future-dating rules.
- Termination
Date: For each request listed that met the report criteria,
displays the date on which the appointment for which a termination
was requested became inactive.
- Termination
Reason: For each request listed that met the report criteria,
displays the state-specific termination reason submitted with
the termination request.
- Submitting
Staff Member: For each request listed that met the report
criteria, displays the user name of the staff member or process
that submitted the transaction request. If the request was submitted
through an automated process, displays SYSTEM_USER.
Page Controls
Controls include the following:
Offline: Click to generate the inquiry offline, where it
can be retrieved in multiple output formats by any staff member
with the permissions to view it. For more information, see Recent Reports.
Report: Click to generate the inquiry "on demand"
in HTML format online. The report will open in the separate Inquiry Output Window.
Click to open the Producer Manager Home
Results of the Appointment
Request Status Inquiry may contain unmasked, full Social Security
Number information for individual producers. It is not possible to configure
the system to mask or hide these values in the report results. However,
using a security role setting, a user with administrator permissions
may deny other users the permission to run this inquiry or view inquiry
results requested by other users. For more information, see Maintain
Security Role.