Company Appointment List Inquiry
Available in spreadsheet
format only.
Use the Company
Appointment List Inquiry page to find producers whose appointments
by one selected appointing
company became active during a selected range of dates in one
selected state.
If desired, filter report results by business unit,
submitting or recording staff member, external system ID, or active or
terminated (inactive) appointments.
The report results also show the termination dates
of any appointments that became inactive subsequent to the selected date
View screen capture of report criteria
View screen capture of report results
To open the Company
Appointment List Inquiry page, from the Inquiries
menu select Appointment,
and then select Company Appointment
List Inquiry.
The Company Appointment
List Inquiry page contains the following sections:
To run the report, you must first search
for the carrier appointing company whose producer appointments you
want to report.
The Search
Company page consists of the following sections:
Use the Search
Fields to enter search criteria for an appointing company
You must enter at least one
search criterion in the Search
Fields. The system will return all records that meet all
search criteria. Thus it is best to enter only one search criterion,
to avoid the possibility of accidentally entering a an incorrect
search criterion and preventing the system from retrieving the
desired record or record set.
Fields and controls include
the following:
Company Name: Enter
a name search string. You may use as few as two characters
in your search string. Wildcard characters are not allowed.
Cannot contain numeric characters or double quotation marks
EIN: Enter the appointing
company's Federal Employer Identification Number. Maximum
9 characters without a separating hyphen or 10 characters
with a separating hyphen.
NAIC ID: Enter the
appointing company's National Association of Insurance Commissioners
identification number. Maximum 5 characters.
Records Per Page:
When multiple records meet the search criteria, the
default number of records displayed per page of results is
10. From the dropdown menu, select a value in increments of
10 up to 50 and then execute or re-execute the search to display
a number of records up to the selected value in the Search Results sub-section.
Search: Click to execute
the search based on the entered search criteria.
If only
one company record met your search criteria, the record will open
directly in the Company Appointment
List Inquiry report criteria page.
If multiple
carrier records met your search criteria, they will display in
the Search Results sub-section
of the Search Company
If no record
matched the entered search criteria, the system will return the
following message below the Search
Fields: "No Company found matching the criteria."
If multiple appointing company
records met your search criteria, they will display in the Search Results section of the
Search Company page.
Fields and controls include
the following:
Name: For each listed company
record, displays the company name as a blue hyperlink. Click
the desired company name hyperlink to open the record in the
Company Appointment List
Inquiry report criteria page.
EIN: For each listed company
record, displays the company's Federal Employer Identification
NAIC ID: For each listed
company record, displays the company's unique National Associate
of Insurance Commissioners group number.
City: For each listed company
record, displays the company's domicile address city.
State: For each listed company
record, displays the company's domicile address state.
Displaying[v] - [w](of[x]matching records):
Displays the range in numbers of company records currently
displaying in the Search
Results sub-section out of the total number of company
records returned by a search.
Page[y]of[z]: Displays the number of the
page currently displaying out of the total number of pages
of company records returned by a search.
Go To Page: Available only
when more than 10 records are returned by a search, resulting
in multiple pages of Search
Results. Select from the dropdown menu the number of
the page of company records to which you wish to navigate.
Go: Click to navigate to
the page number of Search
Results selected in the Go
To Page dropdown menu.
Report Criteria
Use the filter
fields to enter report criteria and tailor the report results to suit
your needs.
Report criteria
contains the following sub-sections:
Company Record Summary
Displays summary information
about the appointing company selected as criterion for the report.
Fields and controls include
the following:
Company Name: Displays the
selected appointing company's name.
EIN: Displays the selected
appointing company's Federal Employer Identification Number.
License Number: Not functional.
NAIC ID: Displays the selected
appointing company's National Association of Insurance Commissioners
identifier number.
City: Displays the selected
appointing company's business location address city.
State: Displays the selected
appointing company's business location address state.
Search Company: Click to
open the Search Company
section, where you can search for a different appointing company
to apply as report criteria.
Enter report criteria about the active
or inactive appointments you want to report.
Fields and controls include the following:
- Appointment
Responses Received or Recorded: Required.
Enter a date range during which the records of reported producers
contained an appointment by the selected appointing company
in the selected appointment state. Enter the following:
- between:
Enter the first date of a date range in which to search for
the value of the Active Date
field in producer appointments
information. Use the mmddyyyy
date format. Or, click the Calendar
button (
) to open a popup calendar from
which you can click to select a date.
- and:
Enter the last date of a date range in which to search for
the value of the Active Date
field in producer appointments
information. Use the mmddyyyy
date format. Or, click the Calendar
button (
) to open a popup calendar from
which you can click to select a date.
- State:
From the dropdown menu, select the name of the state in which
reported producers held active appointments during the selected
date range. Default is Alabama.
- Current
Appointment Status: From the dropdown menu, select
Active to filter the report results to include only currently
active appointments. Or, select Inactive to filter the report
results to include only inactive or terminated appointments.
- Submitting
Staff Member: To report appointments without
regard to the staff member who submitted or recorded the appointments,
make no selection from the box. Or, to filter the report results
to include only appointments submitted or recorded by a specific
staff member, click to select one or multiple staff member
names in the box. To select multiples, press the CTRL key
on your keyboard while clicking; click again while pressing
the CTRL key to de-select.
- Business
Unit: To report appointments without regard to reported
producers' business
unit criteria, make no selection from the box. Or, to
filter the report results to include only appointments of
reported producers assigned to one or multiple business units,
click to select one or multiple business unit short names
in the box. To select multiples, press the CTRL key on your
keyboard while clicking; click again while pressing the CTRL
key to de-select.
Enter criteria to filter report results
based on a producer's external
system ID information.
Fields and controls include the following:
- External
System ID: To report appointments without regard to
producer external system ID criteria, leave the field blank.
Or, to filter the report results to include only appointments
of producers assigned a specific external
system ID code, enter the code in the field.
- Active
External System IDs Only: When filtering the report
results to include only appointments of producers assigned
a specific external system ID code, leave the checkbox uncheckmarked
to ignore whether the entered external system ID is active
or inactive. Or, to filter the report results to include only
appointments of producers assigned a specific external
system ID code that is currently active, click to checkmark
the checkbox.
Choose whether to export the report
results in a tabular format, viewable by a spreadsheet application,
such as Microsoft Excel.
Fields and controls include the following:
- Spreadsheet
View: Not functional. Results are in spreadsheet format
only. Click
to checkmark the checkbox to output the report results in
a tabular spreadsheet format. To generate the report in a
spreadsheet format, click the Submit Offline
button and then click the Excel Format
button (
associated with the inquiry on the Recent Reports
page to view the spreadsheet.
Report Results
Displays producer appointment information
stored in your company's instance of Producer Manager that met the
report criteria. Results may be narrowed by selected filter criteria.
The Title
tab of the report displays a summary of the selected report criteria,
including data summaries (such as total record and producer counts),
report properties, and all of the selection and filter criteria used
to generate the report.
viewed in HTML format, report results are grouped by entity type and
sorted alphabetically by name. If viewed in spreadsheet format, results
are sorted first by entity type and then by name.
Results on the Data
tab include the following data fields:
- Producer
Name: For each producer listed, displays the producer's
name information: last name, first name, and middle name for individuals
or firm name for firms. (For more information, see Details.)
For each firm producer listed, displays the producer's Federal
Employer Identification Number for firms. For each individual
producer listed, displays the producer's National Producer Number.
(For more information, see Details.)
- PM
Producer ID: For each producer listed, displays the producer's
unique record identifier in Producer Manager.
- Preferred
External System ID: For each producer listed, displays
the external system identifier marked as "Primary" on
the producer's record. If the Active
External System IDs Only checkbox was checkmarked as filter
criteria, report results display only active external system IDs.
(For more information, see External
System IDs.)
- Active
Business Units: For each producer listed, displays
the short name(s) of the business
units to which the producer is actively assigned (sorted alphabetically).
(For more information, see Business
- Producer
Type: For each producer listed, displays the producer's
entity type, either Firm or Individual Licensee.
- Appointment
Type: For each producer listed, displays the description
of the type of appointment
that the producer held in the selected state in the selected date
- Appointment
State: For each producer listed, displays the two-letter
code for the appointment
state selected in the report criteria.
- Active
Date: For each producer listed, displays the date on which
the producer's appointment
in the selected state became active.
- State
Verified?: For each producer listed, displays Yes if the
State Verified checkbox
in the producer's appointment
information contains a checkmark; displays No if the State
Verified checkbox in the producer's appointment
information does not contain a checkmark.
- Term
Date: Inactive appointments
only. For each producer listed, displays the date on which
a termination of the producer's appointment
in the selected state was submitted and state-approved or recorded.
- Last
Updated By: For each producer listed, displays the name
of the staff member or system process that most recently updated
the producer's appointment
Page Controls
Controls include the following:
- Remove
Company: Click to remove a specific appointing company
selected in the Search Company
section as filter criteria.
- Submit
Offline: Click to generate the inquiry offline, where it
can be retrieved in Microsoft Excel (XLS) format by any staff
member with the permissions to view it. For more information,
see Recent Reports.
- View/Refresh
Report: Click to generate the inquiry "on demand"
in Microsoft Excel or XLS format. The
report will open in the separate Inquiry Output Window.
- Cancel:
Click to open the Producer Manager Home
of the Company Appointment List Inquiry
may contain unmasked, full Social Security Number information for individual
producers. It is not possible to configure the system to mask or hide
these values in the report results. However, using a security role
setting, a user with administrator permissions may deny other users the
permission to run this inquiry or view inquiry results requested by other
users. For more information, see Maintain
Security Role.
Note: The Company Appointment
List Inquiry reports appointment information only as recorded
in your company's instance of Producer Manager. It does not verify appointment
information directly with state records. However, if your company is using
Producer Manager's automated data reconciliation utilities (such as Scheduled
Syncs) to keep producer appointment data refreshed continually, the
Company Appointment List Inquiry
report results should be synchronized with state records.
Note: To expedite the search for the desired appointing company,
upon opening the Company Appointment
List Inquiry page the system automatically will return all of your
carrier group's configured appointing companies. If your carrier group
has multiple appointing companies, you need only to select the desired
company from the search results. If your carrier group has only one appointing
company, the report criteria section will open directly with the sole
appointing company pre-selected.
Note: If you are generating an "on-demand" report by
clicking the View/Refresh Report
button, the range between the Appointment
Responses Received or Recorded between and and
fields may not exceed 31 days. To expand the date range in which to report
appointments, generate the report offline by clicking the Submit
Offline button. After it generates, the report will be available
for download from the Recent Reports
Note: Checkmarking the Spreadsheet
View checkbox in the DisplayConfiguration section when setting
report criteria has no effect on the format of the report results. The
results will display in spreadsheet format regardless of this setting.
Note: The value, "CATS," in the Last
Updated By field in the report results indicates that an appointment
was submitted through and processed electronically by Producer Manager.
For easier
viewing of the report results in any chosen output format, we recommend
always checkmarking the Spreadsheet View