License Renewals Due Inquiry

Available in spreadsheet format only.

Use the License Renewals Due Inquiry page to run a report to find out which individual or firm producers' licenses are due for renewal or whose licenses are lapsed.

The report is keyed on the license Expiration Date field recorded in the Licenses/Qualifications data section of individual and firm producer records in Producer Manager.

ClosedView screen capture of report criteria

ClosedView screen capture of report results in HTML view

ClosedView screen capture of report results, Title tab

ClosedView screen capture of report results, Data tab

To open the License Renewals Due Inquiry page, from the Inquiries menu select Producer Management, and then select License Renewals Due Inquiry.

The License Renewals Due Inquiry page contains the following sections:

ClosedReport Criteria

Use the filter fields to enter report criteria and tailor the report results to suit your needs.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Producer Type: To report license renewals due for all entity types, click to select the Both radio button (default). Or, to filter the report to include license renewals due only for individual producers, click to select the Individualradio button. Or, to filter the report to include license renewals due only for firm producers, click to select the Firmradio button.
  • Due Dates: Required. Enter a date range in which to search for license renewals due. Enter the following:
  • From: Enter the first date of a date range in which to search for the value of the Expiration Date field in producer license information. Use the mmddyyyy date format. Or, click the Calendar button () to open a popup calendar from which you can click to select a date.
  • to: Enter the last date of a date range in which to search for the value of the Expiration Date field in producer license information. Use the mmddyyyy date format. Or, click the Calendar button () to open a popup calendar from which you can click to select a date.
  • State: To report license renewals due in all states, make no selection from the dropdown menu. Or, to filter the report to include only license renewals due in a particular state, select the state name from the dropdown menu.
  • License Status: To report license renewals due regardless of the active or inactive status of the license, make no selection from the dropdown menu. Or, to filter the report to include only license renewals due for active licenses, select Active from the dropdown menu. Or, to filter the report to include only license renewals due for inactive or lapsed licenses, select Inactive from the dropdown menu.
  • Qualifications: To report license renewals due without regard to lines of authority (qualifications) criteria, make no selection from the box. Or, to filter the report to include license renewals due relating only to one or multiple lines of authority, click to select one or multiple qualifications in the box. To select multiples, press the CTRL key on your keyboard while clicking; click again while pressing the CTRL key to de-select.
  • Business Unit: To report license renewals due without regard to producer business unit criteria, make no selection from the box. Or, to filter the report to include only license renewals due for producers assigned to one or multiple business units, click to select one or multiple business unit short names in the box. To select multiples, press the CTRL key on your keyboard while clicking; click again while pressing the CTRL key to de-select.
  • Sort Order: From the dropdown menu choose the grouping and sorting method for the licenses due for renewal displaying in the report results. Select one of the following:
  • Licensee Name, then State and License Type: Default. Groups report results by licensee name and then sorts license information by license state and then license type
  • State and License Type, then Licensee Name: Groups report results by license state and license type, and then sorts license information by licensee name.
  • Spreadsheet View: Click to checkmark the checkbox to export the report results in a tabular spreadsheet format. To generate the report in a spreadsheet format, click the Submit Offline button and then click the Excel Format button () associated with the inquiry on the Recent Reports page to view the spreadsheet. 

ClosedReport Results

Displays information about producer licenses with expiration dates that fall within the date range entered in the Report Criteria section. Results may be narrowed by selected filter criteria.

The Title tab of the report displays a summary of the selected report criteria, including data summaries (such as total record and producer counts), report properties, and all of the selection and filter criteria used to generate the report.

Results include the following data fields:

  • Producer Name: For each producer with one or multiple licenses that met the report criteria, displays the name of the individual or firm producer.
  • NPN: Displays the producer's National Producer Number.
  • PM Producer ID: Displays the unique, system-assigned identifier of the producer's record in Producer Manager.
  • Preferred External System ID: Displays the external system identifier marked as "Primary" on the producer's record.
  • Active Business Units: Displays the short name of the business units to which the producer is actively assigned (sorted alphabetically).
  • Cost Center: In parentheses following the name of business unit, displays the name of the cost center associated with the business unit, if configured.
  • License State: For each license held by the producer, displays the name of the license state.
  • Licensee Status: Displays the status of the producer's record in Producer Manager, based on certain carrier or firm relationship conditions. (For more information, see Details.)
  • Email Address: Displays the producer's valid email address (e.g. "").
  • SSN/EIN: For an individual producer, displays the producer's Social Security Number. For a firm producer, displays the producer's Federal Employer Identification Number.
  • Resident State: Displays the names of the states that the producer claims as a residence state for licensing purposes (sorted alphabetically).
  • Resident License Number: Displays the producer's license number in each residence state.
  • License Type: For each listed license, displays its state-specific name or description.
  • License Status: For each license of the selected type in the selected state held by the listed producer, displays the current status of the license in Producer Manager.
  • Expiration Date: For each license listed, displays the state-regulated date on which the license expires. Also known as the "renewal date."
  • License Number: For each license listed, displays the state license number or identifier.
  • Related Active Qualifications: For each license listed, displays active qualifications (lines of authority of LOA) related to the license, sorted alphabetically.

ClosedPage Controls

Controls include the following:

  • Submit Offline: Click to generate the inquiry offline, where it can be retrieved in spreadsheet format by any staff member with the permissions to view it. For more information, see Recent Reports.

  • View/Refresh Report: Click to generate the inquiry "on demand" in HTML format online. The report will open in the separate Inquiry Output Window.

  • Cancel: Click to open the Producer Manager Home page.


Results of the License Renewals Due Inquiry may contain unmasked, full Social Security Number information for individual producers. It is not possible to configure the system to mask or hide these values in the report results. However, using a security role setting, a user with administrator permissions may deny other users the permission to run this inquiry or view inquiry results requested by other users. For more information, see Maintain Security Role. Also, identities of users who access Social Security Number information in Producer Manager are recorded in Data Access Logs. For more information, contact your Vertafore Sircon representative.

The results of the License Renewals Due Inquiry may not contain certain Louisiana individual licenses that are due for renewal, if your company has chosen to implement Vertafore configuration that automatically inserts an Expiration Date in producer records (business rule: dr.derive.expirationdate). The configuration inserts the furthest-future qualification (LOA) Expiration Date into the license Expiration Date. If the producer also holds under the same license another LOA with an earlier Expiration Date, the earlier renewal date will not be reflected in the report results. To avoid lapsed licensure due to failure to renew a license or qualification, for any individual producer license in Louisiana returned in the report results we recommend a manual review of the Licenses/Qualifications data section on the producer's record. For more information, see Configuration Options, Automated Data Reconciliation Data Normalizers and Processing Messages Guide, or consult your Vertafore representative. [MKT-10115, MKT-9598]


Note: The License Renewals Due Inquiry reports license information only as recorded in your company's instance of Producer Manager. It does not verify license expiration date information directly with state records. However, if your company is using Producer Manager's automated data reconciliation utilities, such as Scheduled Syncs, to keep producer license data refreshed continually, the License Renewals Due Inquiry report results should be synchronized with state records.

Note: Be aware that several states issue a "perpetual" producer license. A license from perpetual license states does not include an expiration date and therefore usually will not be included in the report results of the License Renewals Due Inquiry. However, for licenses from such states, your company may adopt a policy to record a "placeholder" expiration date -- usually far in the future -- either to remind your staff to pay state maintenance fees or to trigger action in another internal system downstream from Producer Manager. Also, your company may choose to enable a Vertafore-configurable business rule (dr.derive.expirationdate) that can automatically insert a license expiration date for certain states in producer records. For more information, see Configuration Options, Automated Data Reconciliation Data Normalizers and Processing Messages Guide, or consult your Vertafore representative.

Note: Checkmarking the Spreadsheet View checkbox in the DisplayConfiguration section when setting report criteria has no effect on the format of the report results. The results will display in spreadsheet format regardless of this setting.

Note: If Licensee Name, then State and License Type is selected from the Sort Order dropdown menu (default), then results are sorted in the spreadsheet first on the Producer Name column, and then by the License State, License Type, and Related Active Qualifications columns. If State and License Type, then Licensee Name is selected from the Sort Order dropdown menu, then results are sorted in the spreadsheet first on the License State column, and then by the Producer Name, License Type and Related Active Qualifications columns.

Note: If you are generating an "on-demand" report by clicking the View/Refresh Report button, the range between the Due Dates From and to fields may not exceed 60 days. To expand the date range in which to report license renewals due, generate the report offline by clicking the Submit Offline button. After it generates, the report will be available for download from the Recent Reports page.


After identifying licenses due for renewal, you may use the License Renewals service in Compliance Express to submit state license renewal transactions. The License Renewals service is available from the License Renewals page under the Express Services menu. For more information, refer to the Compliance Express online help.

Producer Manager can send automated email notifications to individual agents who have an expired license or a license nearing expiration. For more information, see Notifications.

For easier viewing of the report results in any chosen output format, we recommend always checkmarking the Spreadsheet View checkbox.


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