Agency Platform > How To > Work with Process Dashboard > Manage Who Can Access Process Dashboard

Manage Who Can Access Process Dashboard

  1. Log on to Enterprise Management Console.
  2. Click User Management to expand it.
  3. Click Functionality Rights.
  4. Select the appropriate node to modify:
    1. Department
    2. Groups
    3. Roles
    4. User
  5. Double-click the instance to modify it. For example, if you are granting access to a specific user, double-click the user name.
  6. Scroll right and then click the Functionality Rights tab.
  7. Scroll down to the Process Dashboard – Access option.
  8. Double-click Process Dashboard – Access to grant permission. Double-click again to deny access to the permission.

For more detailed information on assigning permissions, refer to Enterprise Management Console Help by clicking the Help menu or by pressing F1 in Enterprise Management Console.



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